The Michigan Community Service Commission will engage thousands of Michigan youth in volunteerism for Global Youth Service Day, April 20-22, 2018.
The state’s lead agency on volunteerism will support 25 Global Youth Service Day volunteer projects across the state, addressing education, health, environmental stewardship and other critical community needs that benefit Michigan residents. The Michigan Community Service Commission will provide training and resources to project organizers, while partners Michigan Nonprofit Association and Youth Service America will provide mini-grants for the projects ranging from $100 to $500.
The volunteer projects will help engage more than 2,200 youth volunteers in more than 8,000 service hours across the state for the national day of service, now celebrated in more than 100 countries.
“It’s amazing to see youth make an impact in communities across the state,” said Ginna Holmes, Michigan Community Service Commission executive director. “Seeing youth taking a lead role in the volunteer projects and making a difference in their communities is a wonderful sign for our future.”
Global Youth Service Day is an annual campaign that celebrates and mobilizes the millions of children and youth who improve their communities each day of the year through service and service-learning. Established in 1988 by Youth Service America, Global Youth Service Day is the largest and longest-running service event in the world, and the only day of service dedicated to children and youth.
The Michigan Community Service Commission and partners will support the following projects:
Sault Ste. Marie | United Way of the Eastern Upper Peninsula | Intergenerational gardening project with at-risk high school students and seniors living in assisted living facility | April 19 |
Sault Ste. Marie | Sault Area Schools – Service Learning Class | Youth Volunteer Fair for students with service project activities | April 16-20 |
Alpena | Boys and Girls Club of Alpena | Build a memorial bench to be placed on grounds where community Relay for Life takes place | April 16-20 |
Mio | U.S. Forest Service | Move pollinator garden beds | April 21 |
Grand Rapids | Heart of West MI United Way | Community park cleanups, cards for Meals on Wheels recipients, Kids Food Basket bag decorating | April 20 |
Muskegon | Reeths Puffer Central Elementary School | Clean up grounds and improve flower beds | April 20-21 |
Ionia | United Way of Montcalm and Ionia Counties | Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive (schoolwide)
April 20-30 |
Allegan | Allegan County United Way | Roadside Cleanup with cognitively impaired students matched with potential employers | April 20 |
Big Rapids | Project Starburst | Sorting, cleaning pantry shelves, packaging meals | April 21 |
Bay City | Delta College | Youth Camp cleanup | April 14- 15 |
Lansing | Allen Neighborhood Center | Maintenance and enhancement of Edible Park Garden | April 21 |
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish School
Making complete classroom sets of “rekenreks,” tools similar to an abacus | April 20 |
Edgewood Village Art of Leadership | Youth-led Volunteer Recognition event for volunteers serving their program | April 20 |
Lansing | South Lansing Community Development Association
Installation of a vegetable garden on REO school property | April 21 |
St. Johns | Clinton/Gratiot Habitat for Humanity | “Rock the Block” cleanup event | April 27-28 |
Monroe | Monroe County Opportunity Program | Mobile Food Pantry with DTE Energy staff members | April 21 |
Jackson | Northwest Elementary | Student Council and learning-impaired students working together to perform services for local animal shelter
April 19 |
The Lawn Academy | Yard-work and landscaping for seniors, disabled and military families | April 21 |
Unity in Our Community Time Bank | Neighborhood beautification and yard work for seniors | April 14 |
Detroit | Peace Tree Parks
Maintenance and enhancements of community garden beds and grounds | April 21 |
Detroit | Urban Neighborhood Initiatives | Mural enhancement and graffiti removal project | April 16-20
Detroit | Urban Safety Program | Safe Routes to School and Board-Up/Cleanup activities | April 21 |
VIP Mentoring | Event to couple law enforcement and mentees/mentors in positive interaction. Service is providing comfort kits to law enforcement personnel | April 16 – 21 |
Detroit | Wayne Metro Community Action Agency
Beautify afterschool center grounds – four locations | April 20 |
Detroit | Detroit Edison Public School Academy | College visits with service projects incorporated with campus Volunteer Center | April 25 |
The Michigan Community Service Commission (MCSC) utilizes service as a strategy to address the state’s most pressing issues and empowers volunteers to strengthen communities. In 2017-2018, the MCSC is granting more than $11 million in federal funds to local communities for volunteer programs and activities. The MCSC is funding 28 AmeriCorps programs. The Governor’s Service Awards, Mentor Michigan and Volunteer Michigan are also premier programs of the MCSC. The MCSC is housed in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.