Your body is a amazingly complex arrangement of cells, tissues, organs and systems. But if you look at the estimated numbers, only some of those cells are actually human – the rest are made up of hundreds of species of microorganisms, including bacteria and yeast. All these little beings usually live in perfect harmony with us, and each other. But when these critters get out of balance, bad things can happen, including Candida Overgrowth (aka yeast or fungus).
Candida overgrowth can happen as the result of antibiotics, poor diet, chronic stress, or overuse of alcohol, all of which can cause gut inflammation and poor digestion.
Yeast overgrowth causes inflammation, and helps create all those systemic symptoms that make life so uncomfortable.
The upcoming Candida Summit brings together the global LEADERS on this topic. I’m honored to be speaking on Day 7. There are other talented speakers… here are just a few:
- Host, Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP: “Candida, Parasites and Protocols”
- Dr. Christine Schaffner, ND: “Candida, Glymphatic Drainage and Sleep Issues”
- Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD: “EMF, 5G Cell Towers, Geoengineering and Retroviruses”
- Elisa Song, MD: “Candida in Kids and What to Do About It”
I’ll be teaching:
- How your environment can encourage or fight yeast
- Do your relationships encourage yeast?
- Building a tribe can save your heart (and your health!)