After sitting vacant for over a decade, a contaminated lot in Bay City will be returned to productive use with help from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). A $200,000 Brownfield Redevelopment Grant was awarded to the city to revitalize the former Fletcher’s Marathon filling station property located in the Center Avenue Historic District.
The MDEQ brownfield grant will assess and mitigate environmental contamination and demolish the gas station’s foundation and pavement that remains from the previously demolished building.
Following environmental cleanup of the property, Jennifer Acosta Development (JAD) will construct a multi-tenant residential structure with a historic flair. The design of the new six-unit structure will resemble a historic French mansard mansion. JAD will invest $850,000 into the project.
The MDEQ partners with communities to protect public health and the environment and revitalize contaminated property. MDEQ grants and loans pay for environmental investigation and cleanup on brownfields. Brownfields are vacant or abandoned properties with known or suspected environmental contamination.
Partnerships between MDEQ and communities have created $4 billion in private investment and 29,000 new jobs over the life of the Brownfield Redevelopment Program. Each grant and loan dollar invested by the MDEQ in 2017 to protect residents and the environment is expected to return an average of $32 to the state’s economy. When brownfields are redeveloped, property values increase both on the revitalized site and on other nearby properties. Learn more at
For more information, contact:
Ryan Londrigan, MDEQ Brownfield Coordinator,, 989-891-6072
Tiffany Brown, MDEQ Public Information Officer,, 517-284-6716