Effective immediately, Michigan residents may apply for a Michigan Medical Marihuana Program Registry Identification Card if they have been diagnosed with any of the 11 new qualifying conditions approved today by LARA Director Shelly Edgerton.
Updated application packets for Michigan residents 18 years and older and for those under the age of 18 are now available on the Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation (BMMR) website. The following conditions have been added to the physician certification form in the updated application packet:
- Arthritis
- Autism
- Chronic Pain
- Colitis
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Parkinson’s
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Tourette’s Syndrome
- Ulcerative Colitis
Applicants are reminded of the following when applying for a registry identification card:
- Patients should only send one complete application and then wait for a response from BMMR. If duplicate applications or miscellaneous documents are submitted, the application may be denied, or its processing delayed.
- Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to submit their applications or any other documents to the MMMP as patients will be unable to determine when or if their applications were submitted.
- Patients should not allow other individuals or third parties to retain copies of their documents, state-issued driver licenses, personal identification cards, or voter registrations as that increases the possibility of fraudulent submissions.
- The Michigan Medical Marihuana Program (MMMP) is not affiliated with any third-party business operations, “dispensaries,” provisioning centers, caregivers, or certifying physicians and is not associated with any business operation that uses the terms “Michigan Medical Marihuana Program” or “MMMP” in their name or advertising.
- Applicants often receive inaccurate information from third parties that result in their applications being delayed or denied.
- Third-party business operations which tell patients that their application and physician certification serve as a temporary registration card are putting the patients at risk of possible arrest. According to state law, patients or caregivers must present their valid registry identification card and a valid driver license – or government-issued identification card with photo – to law enforcement to be protected from arrest.
- BMMR recommends that applicants wait until they receive a registry card before engaging in the medical use of marihuana.
While there are currently no licensed provisioning centers in the state of Michigan, patients who wish to acquire medical marihuana or medical marihuana-infused products from licensed provisioning centers in the future will need to present a valid registry identification card at the time of purchase.
Individuals with questions regarding the MMMP’s application and registration process should communicate directly with the MMMP by reviewing the FAQs on the MMMP website, emailing LARA-BMMR-MMMPINFO@michigan.gov, or calling 517-284-6400.
Upcoming Enhancements to the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program
To better serve customers and increase efficiency, the MMMP will be implementing an online application and physician certification process later this fall.
Once the system implementation is complete, patients (without a caregiver) will be able to submit their applications, request replacement cards and update their name and/or address online. They will also be able to log into a secure online account to check the status of their applications or requests.
Physicians who register with the MMMP for a secure online account will be able to certify their patients’ medical use of marihuana online.
While the MMMP will not mandate that patients and certifying physicians use the new online application and physician certification processes, those who choose to utilize these options will experience added security and faster processing times.
More information on the BMMR can be found at the bureau’s website
For more information about LARA, please visit www.michigan.gov/lara