Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer death, among men in Michigan. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDDHS) is encouraging men to discuss screening options and steps they can take to lower their risk as part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
In Michigan, it is estimated that there will be 5,400 new cases and 940 deaths due to prostate cancer in 2018. Experts believe routine exercise, eating a variety of vegetables and fruit and staying at a healthy weight will help to lower a man’s risk of getting prostate cancer.
Age, race and family history may increase a man’s chance of getting prostate cancer. The chance of getting prostate cancer increases after age 50. Prostate cancer is also more likely to be found in African-American men.
“There may not be any symptoms with early prostate cancer,” said Nick Lyon, MDHHS director. “Men should talk with their healthcare provider about screening, potential benefits and known limitations in order to make the testing decision that is right for them.”
Men with average risk – white with no family history – should have this discussion with their doctor beginning at age 50. Men at higher risk, including African-Americans or men with close relatives with prostate cancer, should have this discussion with their doctor as soon as 40 years of age. Prostate cancer may be found early by testing the amount of prostate-specific antigen in a man’s blood along with performing an examination.
Talk to your doctor about screening and ask if it is right for you. And call your doctor if you have any of these signs or symptoms: difficulties with urination, a need to urinate frequently especially at night, difficulties having an erection, pain or burning while urinating and blood in the urine or semen.
For more information, visit the CDC website.