Most people are shocked when I share that heart disease is the number one killer of women, outpacing breast cancer, diabetes and stroke. In fact, 1 in 4 women will now receive a heart disease diagnosis in their lifetime.1 in 4 women….I want YOU to really take this in and think about that incredible statistic.Women experience A FAR DIFFERENT set of heart disease symptoms than men. Yet, most major studies conducted on heart disease have favored male participants. And, women MUST receive different protocols for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.These statistics are why I am honored to be speaking at and supporting the upcoming Women’s Heart Health Summit.
My friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Menolascino is the host and his passion for supporting women’s heart health was born in medical school. While there, he cared for a woman who came in for nausea and abdominal pain. She was scheduled to have her gallbladder removed, even though the tests were not conclusive that this was her problem.A heart condition was NEVER considered as the problem.Turns out, her nausea and stomach pain were actually a heart attack and her heart had been slowly dying over the previous few days while she was waiting for surgery.Everyone missed it.Her heart was damaged and never the same, while her gallbladder was fine.Since then, Dr. Mark has made it his mission in 35+ years of practice to help women with symptoms and illnesses that stem from poor heart health.He’s here to share that wisdom with you and has called on dozens of world-class experts to share their knowledge and the latest research in the Women’s Heart Health Summit.>>Click here to join me at The Women’s Heart Health Summit, at no cost.<<Namaste,Partha Nandi MD FACPP.S. More WOMEN die of heart disease than ALL CANCERS combined, yet we continue to think of it as a MAN’s problem. It’s time to get informed and armed with the latest facts. Please register for this free online event today.