The citizens of Highland Park are uniting to make their city proud again. The challenges we face as a city are the greatest in living memory. Helena Yago and her family have a legacy in Highland Park spanning more than 80 years. After years of crumbling infrastructure and financial crises, we are returning the ‘City of Trees’ back to its roots as an innovative world-class city. Residents of Highland Park, regional business leaders, and officials are invited to the campaign launch of the future Mayor of Highland Park, Helena Yago.
About Helena Yago
As one of the most influential residents of the city, Helena was called by the people to run for office. Her love for the place she’s called home for over 50 years is unmatched. Yago is known for her leadership and has the ability to transform the narrative about Highland Park, Michigan.
“I am excited to rebuild the legacy of our home. Our goal is to make Highland Park, Michigan a beautiful, profitable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, self-determined, and safe city.”- Helena Yago
The Platform
- Correction of city planning and ordinances
- Utilizing new industries to help eliminate city debt and boost the local economy
- Closing the digital divide and partner to create technology training centers
- Solar street light installment in the many areas that do not have lights
- Reopening of the Library within 2 years
- Address local prostitution and sex trafficking
- Boosting initiatives to engage senior citizens
- Create a state of the art water system
- Creation of the largest hemp/cannabis business engine in the world
- Restoring the historical school system
- Fair and helpful police and fire service
- Competitive youth programs with the ability to compete statewide academically and athletically
- Making the city attractive through beautification and business development
Join us
Enjoy free food, entertainment, and activities for children, along with networking with community leaders on at this meet and greet. Get more familiar with Helena Yago, the economic initiatives, and future plans. Be a part of the change in this historical city. Find out Saturday, May 4th at 1 PM, about economic opportunities, volunteering, or joining the movement to “Make Highland Park Proud Again”.