MEECA Annual Golf Outing–Last Chance to Register!
The 3rd Annual Golf Outing is less than two weeks away. If you still need a foursome or competition hole sponsorship, be sure to register by COB this Wednesday, July 3rd.
Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to meet and mingle with other professionals in Michigan’s energy efficiency industry. We hope you can join us at Hawk Hollow on Wednesday, July 10th!
Contractor Toolkit
Energy-Efficient Commercial Building Deduction, Section 179D. Some MEECA members are wondering about the status of this popular federal tax incentive that was enacted with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The short answer is that 179D does not apply to current projects. That said, older projects may still qualify and there is a reasonable chance that the incentive will be renewed. For a recent update, check out this recorded webinar.
Online PACE Contractor Training. MEECA member company Lean & Green Michigan (LAGM) now offers online training to become a PACE-certified energy contractor. Re-certification with the latest updates in the Michigan PACE market is also available. This convenient training includes a 3-part webinar series followed by a 15-question multiple choice quiz. Benefits of PACE certification include being listed on the LAGM website, receiving referrals to potential PACE projects, and learning more about the marketplace. Sign up today for this valuable training opportunity.
Video Presentations by Jim Newman. Jim Newman with MEECA member company Newman Consulting Group, LLC is a recognized expert in efficient building design and practices. Check out Jim’s advice about how to design a healthier, more profitable building with better coordination among architects, engineers and owners.
Public Policy Updates
CLEAResult’s Brandy Brown Appointed as Climate and Energy Advisor

Brandy Brown, Ph.D. has been tapped to lead Michigan’s new Office of Climate and Energy. Formerly with MEECA member company CLEAResult, Dr. Brown is familiar with the central role of efficiency in reducing carbon emissions. Under her direction, the office within the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) will coordinate Michigan’s response to climate change across state departments and agencies, and provide recommendations, guidance and assistance on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resiliency strategies. Learn more about Dr. Brown’s appointment in EGLE’s press release.
New Task Force to Examine Upper Peninsula Energy Issues. Gov. Whitmer has formed an advisory group within the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) to focus on UP-specific energy issues such as high electricity prices and the heavy reliance on propane for heating. Most of this propane comes through Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline that the administration describes as an “ever-present threat” to the Great Lakes. See Executive Order 2019-14 for more information about the 13-member task force and its assignment.
EE-Related News

October 2nd is National Energy Efficiency Day. Sign up to be a supporter and prepare now to engage in the 4th annual Energy Efficiency Day. This is an opportunity to join others across the nation to highlight the benefits of saving energy—lower utility bills, more comfortable buildings, more jobs and economic growth, cleaner air. Tools will be available to share information with your networks using email, newsletters, Facebook and Twitter. Share your efficiency tips, projects, case studies and stories using the #EEDay2019 hashtag. Reach out to state and local leaders for proclamations. To learn more, contact Monique Hanis at mhanis@aee.net or 202-391-0884.
Energy Use in the Cannabis Industry. As reported by Great Lakes Echo, Michigan officials are examining energy regulations for the state’s recreational marijuana industry following the state’s recent legalization of recreational marijuana. In particular, grow lights are expected to significantly increase the demand for electricity. In a related story, FairWarning found that only two of eleven states that have legalized cannabis—Massachusetts and Illinois—have adopted energy efficiency standards for indoor growing.
Detroit Releases its Sustainability Action Agenda. The City of Detroit has launched a new sustainability roadmap focused on achieving affordable and healthy homes, clean and connected neighborhoods, and stewardship of natural resources. It seeks to build on decades of progress already made by a number of organizations throughout the city. Improving access to utility efficiency programs is a key action listed in the agenda. To learn more, visit the Detroit Sustainable Action Agenda website.
EE Financing Updates:
Michigan Saves Releases Annual Report. Total investment approaching $200 million was reported through 2018 by Michigan Saves. About three-fourths of this money supported residential projects. Click to obtain the full report.
The Bottom Line of Commercial Energy Efficiency Financing. Michigan Saves recently published a useful summary of its commercial financing options that are currently available.
Battle Creek YMCS finances with PACE. The first PACE project in Calhoun County has been announced. This $1.3 million investment will enable the facility to cut total electricity use nearly in half and save more than $3.2 million over the next 22 years. An online case study of this project demonstrates how PACE can help nonprofits reduce their operating costs and devote more resources to core mission.