You are invited to attend the first large-scale
Midwest conference dedicated to best practices
in net zero energy construction
The timing couldn’t be better. The NetZero Build Summit brings together the key stakeholders involved in the Midwest’s value chain for net zero construction in residential and commercial buildings for the very first time. Hosting more than 250 leading architects, policymakers, contractors, system manufacturers, building owners and real estate executives, this new conference is a unique opportunity to access the latest in green building expertise and to identify suppliers to help deliver sustainable, energy-efficient construction and renovation projects. The Net Zero Build Summit has been designed to facilitate networking with the sustainable build community and allow the latest projects to be showcased. This is your opportunity to connect and learn from the nation’s best and brightest in the construction industry supporting energy efficient and sustainable construction.
Looking back, it seems the construction industry takes its time about innovation. The Net Zero Build Summit is an indication that is about to change. Not since the invention of drywall and the use of battery-powered tools on the job has there been such a shift in focus … to energy performance in construction using sustainable materials. Driven by growing consumer demand and technical innovation, net zero building (NZB), once a barely visible niche for daredevil architects, builders, and contractors, has now sprung onto the main stage and is taking the spotlight. Take a breath and understand that not all buildings are going to be truly net zero …but they can be close. The Net Zero Build Summit reveals how the construction industry supply chain, both residential and commercial, is adopting and headed in that direction.
Opportunity Knocks
You already noticed the move toward a future where sustainability and rising energy costs play an increasingly important role in the design, development and construction of our built environment. We see that the concept of net zero buildings is gaining momentum in the architectural industry, the wider material supply chain, and, of course, with facility owners and project developers. The agenda of the NetZero Build Summit has been designed to engage thought-provoking discussions between all of these partners and to provide the knowledge base and contacts to deliver innovative and economically practical NZB projects.
Is the Market Ready for Net-Zero?
A recent Yahoo! Real Estate poll found that 50 percent of 1,545 U.S. adults surveyed said being “green” is a requirement of their “dream” home. Should you be watching this market trend?
Although not necessarily net-zero by definition, residential “green” construction has skyrocketed from 2 percent of new homes in 2005 to 28 percent of new homes in 2017, according to a McGraw Hill market survey report. The same report found that 61 percent of home buyers and renters are willing to pay more for homes that are energy-efficient and that have other green features. Although the number of actual net zero and near net zero building is still rather small, it is gaining traction in all areas of the country.
What Can You Expect to Take Away the NetZero Build Summit?
First, you will be ahead of the curve! Just adding more insulation is only small a part of the solution. Net zero energy is achieved by diligent (some say fanatic) attention to details on both energy reduction and energy production. Thus, a high degree of energy efficiency is being drawn into the plans at the outset is at the core of zero-energy projects. The goal is to “tighten the envelope” to minimize the HVAC loads and improve air quality. Net zero building designs are so energy efficient that a conventional gas fired furnace is not required. In simplest terms, a net zero energy building is one that produces as much energy as it consumes each year — the “net” referring to the annual balance between energy production and energy consumption.
Discover how to successfully implement and deliver a commercial net-zero build project
Understand the trajectory in the green building revolution, and identify opportunities that fit your trade
Understand the next generation of high-performance, energy efficient buildings, and meet the people who design and build them
Source cutting-edge solutions and products that enable you to deliver sustainable, cost-effective, building projects
Discover how to reduce energy consumption in commercial facilities whilst enhancing operational productivity
Understand which technical systems have the greatest potential to improve energy efficiency, for both commercial and residential buildings
Insights and case studies demonstrating how energy efficiency programs can be leveraged to achieve corporate strategic objectives
Discover how LEED certification can yield unprecedented returns for new developments and existing building reuse
Discuss the opportunity for buildings to be transformed into microgrids, enabling the mass adoption of renewable energy and electric vehicles
Access financial resources targeted to support building performance upgrades and renewable energy installations
Learn how cost of ownership effects the financial proforma
Understand the significance of embodied carbon reduction efforts on your sustainable building value propositions
What Are the Opportunities in Sustainable Residential Construction?

One of the featured speakers, architect Michael Klement, a leading expert in net zero construction will lead panel discussions to examine these issues and many more, like:
- Calculating the real value of investing in sustainable residential building projects
- Maximizing the energy performance of residential buildings by pairing envelope upgrades with efficient HVAC systems
- How smart technologies can be used to transform a house into an eco-home
- The benefits of using energy modelling tools to further reduce and project total energy use in homes
- Where low-carbon building materials (e.g. with a high-recycled content) can be procured to increase climate control efficiency and reduce embodied carbon emissions
- Multifamily buildings represent a large share of the existing building stock in metropolitan areas and present a prime opportunity to improve sustainability – how developers and building owners can capitalize on this opportunity
The show producers, SmarterShows, have assembled a stellar cast of industry leaders and experts, including representatives from government, commerce, the utilities, and academia, and many of whom are from the state of Michigan. Hear from sustainability experts from diverse organizations like McDonalds, GM, TCF Center, Steelecase, La-Z-Boy, Whirlpool, Dow, and many more. A few of the many speakers on the agenda you may already be familiar with:
Dr. Brandy Brown, Climate and Energy Advisor, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Cheri Holman, Executive Director, U.S. Green Building Council of West Michigan
Benjamin Glendening, Zero Net Energy Pilot Program Manager, Consumers Energy
Jeff Gaines, Principal, Director of Design, Planning and Sustainability, Albert Kahn Associates
Jon Penndorf, Senior Project Manager, Senior Associate, Sustainability Leader, Perkins & Will
Keara Fanning, Vice President, Sustainability Director, JLL
Carla Walker-Miller, Founder & CEO, Walker-Miller Energy Services
Brent Trenga, Building Technology Director, Kingspan Insulated Panels
Amy Ashley Butler, Sustainability Director, Michigan State University
Brett Little, Executive Director, Green Home Institute
Rob Threlkeld, Global Manager, Sustainable Energy/Supply Reliability, Sustainable Workplaces, General Motors
Steve De Palo, Director of Restaurant Sustainability, McDonalds
For complete details on registration, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors, see www.netzerobuildsummit.com. This event is produced by SmaterShows.
*Note on terminology. In non-technical contexts, many practitioners are migrating to the more conversational term “zero energy.” I have seen net zero energy (NZE), zero net energy, (ZNE) and zero energy (ZE) used interchangeably. In either case, it just means a building that is constructed to use a minimal amount of energy and have solar or other renewable means to provide the balance. The other terms, “near net zero” and “ZE Ready” are interchangeable terms that indicate high-performance buildings that just need to add solar and or batteries to balance the energy load.