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To date, Consumers Energy has decommissioned seven of its coal-fired power plants and has pledged to no coal, 90% carbon reduction, and 56% electric capacity from renewable energy by 2040. Consumers Energy also plans to double their energy efficiency portfolio therefore taking even more load off the grid allowing for those carbon-based plant retirements. There is a strong call to action, and strong incentives for customers to follow suit by delivering deep energy savings. For the past three years, DNV GL and Consumers Energy have designed and implemented a ZNE program that is structured to lower the barriers to entry by laying out a clear pathway to ZNE.
In 2017, Consumers Energy launched its ZNE Pilot Program with the following objectives: target key regional decision makers, reduce barriers, ensure market transformation, and prove ZNE buildings are feasible and scalable – even in harsh Midwestern climates. The program is set up in five phases (Preliminary Design, Advanced Design, Construction, Measurement, and Verification) with 15 different deliverables. It is leading edge due to its ability to support integrated design from early schematic stages and achieve high performance energy goals as a post-occupancy, measurable target.
During this session, we will discuss the evolution of the program from Pilot to a permanent Specialty Program (launching 2020) through lessons learned, customer feedback, program development, and the ZNE Guidebook. We will present on the 11 active new construction and existing building participants with varying use types and sizes, focusing on a couple informative case studies.
Continuing Education Units (CEUS) 1 hour in
- Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)
- Building Performance Institute (BPI) NonWholeHouse
- American Institute of Architects – AIA (HSW)
- Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP)
- Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP)
- State Architect / Builder License may be applicable
Lessons Learned
1. Learn the new clean energy goals of Consumers Energy and what type of impact they are making across the nation to occupants overall well-being.
2. The status of the zero net energy pilot program.
3. Zero net energy pilot program case studies to gain an in-depth understanding of the impacts to health, safety, and welfare of occupants.
4. An in-depth review of the zero net energy expected deliverables.
Instructor: Celia King-Scott is a Senior Engineer (P.E., LEED AP, BEMP)

Celia King-Scott is a Senior Engineer (P.E., LEED AP, BEMP) with DNV GL’s Sustainable Buildings and Communities group. Her current roles as a senior engineer is technical lead in high performance design and zero net energy design projects for architects and engineers design community, utility clients and education industry across the county. She has worked as a technical consultant on the development and implementation of Consumers Energy Zero Net Energy Pilot program for the past 3 years and has also assisted in the development of other zero net energy programs for the commercial sector across the united states. Celia develops whole building energy performance models (including computational fluid dynamics and daylighting analysis) for both residential and commercial building types. She performs detailed thermal comfort analysis, daylighting modeling and computational fluid dynamic modeling on residential and commercial projects to inform design decisions or to meet specific LEED requirements. Celia acts as a peer reviewer and mentor to junior staff members. She continues to provide energy modeling training, technical support and review of whole building design incentive applications for utility programs across the United States.
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