Dr. Partha Nandi, MD FACP, is a practicing gastroenterologist in the Detroit area, Chief Health Editor of WXYZ, ABC Detroit, and host of The Dr. Nandi Show. His foundation, Dr. Nandi Charities, is committed to providing education, prevention, screening, and treatment of colon cancer, and also supporting the research of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance through active fundraising.
Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
In an effort to fight this deadly disease, Dr. Nandi Charities of Michigan will host a Detroit Benefit Gala to raise research funding for the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. The fourth annual fundraising gala will take place on Saturday, March 14, 2020, at the Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit, presented by Volkswagen.
Dr. Partha Nandi, MD FACP, is a practicing gastroenterologist in the Detroit area, Chief Health Editor of WXYZ, ABC Detroit, and host of The Dr. Nandi Show. His foundation, Dr. Nandi Charities, is committed to providing education, prevention, screening, and treatment of colon cancer, and also supporting the research of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance through active fundraising.
The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails, dinner, silent auction, photo booth, dueling pianos, and guest speakers. WXYZ ABC Detroit’s own Glenda Lewis is the Mistress of Ceremonies. Tickets are $200 per person and are tax-deductible through the 501c3 organization.
“I believe that colorectal cancer is a senseless killer that I continue to diagnose far too often in my practice,” explains Nandi. “I choose to host this annual Gala because I am passionately determined to help dramatically decrease the incidence of colon cancer. I firmly believe we can see an end to this disease in our lifetime.”
“March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and I will be working with survivors, caregivers, and advocates throughout Michigan to spread awareness and raise funds to make a difference in the lives of those affected with Colon Cancer,” adds Nandi.
Dr. Nandi Charities along with the physicians and staff of The Center for Digestive Health administered 20 “FREE” Colonoscopies on Saturday, February 8 at The Center for Digestive Health in Macomb, Michigan. A service they plan to do biannually going forward.
“The American Cancer Society estimates that this year 136,830 people will be diagnosed and 50,310 will die from this disease. I want to save lives from this disease which is affecting thousands every year.”
To purchase tickets to the Blue Tie Gala in March, to make a donation, and to learn more about Dr. Nandi Charities and its critical mission, visit: AskDrNandi.com/colon-cancer-gala.