Driver’s license, ID, vehicle renewal extension set to expire Sept. 30 |
The Michigan Department of State (MDOS) is reminding drivers that the driver’s license, state ID and vehicle renewal extension will expire Sept. 30. Under Public Acts 127-129, those with driver’s license, state ID or vehicle registration expirations between March 1 and Sept. 30 have until Sept. 30 to complete their renewals.
With that deadline now a month away, drivers who haven’t completed their renewals are encouraged to make a plan to do so immediately. “As part of our ongoing efforts to address customer needs during the pandemic, we have expanded our branch hours and added a number of appointments to ensure everyone who needs to is able to renew their driver’s license or ID ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “There are still many available appointments, and anyone who has not handled their renewals is encouraged to do so immediately.” MDOS announced recently the expansion of Secretary of State branch office hours to accommodate renewals for driver’s licenses and state IDs that expire between Jan. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2020, and must be renewed in person. Appointments reserved for this specific circumstance are available from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday from now until Sept. 30. To make an appointment, visit Michigan.gov/SOS or call 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424). Many driver’s license and ID renewals also can be completed online at ExpressSOS.com. Vehicle registration and tab renewals should be completed online, by mail or at one of the 121 self-service stations located across the state. To renew at a self-service kiosk, drivers only need their license plate number and the last four digits of their Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or the renewal noticed mailed to them by MDOS.