Looking to upgrade your facilities but concerned about the expense, lack of capital and lengthy payback periods? Would you like to learn more about Michigan’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) statute and what it could do in your community? Are you a business owner, architect, consulting engineer, contractor or vendor involved with energy efficient designs and upgrades difficult to justify from a building owner’s financial perspective? Come to The Great Hall, 5121 Bay City Rd., Midland MI from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 16th for a light buffet luncheon and the answers to your many questions about PACE
This event, hosted by Midland Tomorrow, will feature two presentations. The first features J. Cory Connolly, Clean Energy Project Manager with Levin Energy Partners. Levin Energy Partners is the creator and administrator of Lean and Green Michigan, Michigan’s statewide PACE program. Levin Energy Partners, through Lean and Green Michigan, helps commercial, industrial, multi-family and nonprofit property owners use PACE financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that are profitable for all parties – property owners, contractors, financial institutions and local governments.
Scott Ringlein, CEO and founder of The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan,will present next. EAG is an approved PACE project developer in Michigan. The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan works with commercial and industrial building owners seeking to increase profitability and achieve environmentally friendly facilities through energy efficiency improvements. That process includes developing comprehensive energy efficiency and renewable energy plans to reduce energy use while achieving an improvement in the owner’s bottom line.
Please join us for this meeting to learn how to overcome the “traditional barriers” of funding energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and achieve an immediate improvement in cash flow through Michigan’s PACE financing program, energy efficiency improvements, tax credits, tax incentives, and other cost reduction solutions.
Event Schedule
(A light buffet luncheon will be served)
11 to 11:30 a.m. Event Registration & Networking
11:30 to Noon J. Cory Connolly, Lean & Green Michigan
Noon to 1 p.m. Scott Ringlein, The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan
1 to 1:30 p.m. Questions & Answers