The Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and the City of Ann Arbor held an open house on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Guided tours were given to view the newly upgraded facility, at 4150 Platt Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan, that now has Single Stream Recycling.
Single stream recycling lets all recyclables go directly into one recycling bin, then the recycling facility does the sorting. This new process began in Ann Arbor on July 5, 2010. New materials that can now be accepted at the MRF are all plastic bottles and tubs, except # 3.
On hand were recycling exhibits, demonstrations and craft projects for the children. Resource Recycling Systems, an environmental consulting and engineering firm was available to answer questions about building a sustainable waste free future.
Households can now earn recycling points with RecycleBank rewards. 2 pounds of recycled products = 5 points, 10 points = $1. These points can generate into hundreds of dollars worth of rewards a year or can be donated to schools and charities.
With the RecycleBank rewards program and the new single stream system it is expected that Ann Arbor’s recycling will double. The combination of these two, not only helps the environment, but will create jobs, thereby helping the community as well.
Author& Photographs: Sally Bellanger