The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DELEG) will be applying for the Green Jobs Innovation Fund from the U.S. Department of Labor. The purpose of the grant is to increase the number of individuals completing training programs who receive industry-recognized credentials and to increase the number of individuals completing training programs for employment in green jobs.
DELEG is seeking notification of interest and support from partners as part of its grant proposal development. Please see the highlighted Request for Partners for additional information and requirements. Full text of the grant notice can be found at, funding opportunity number: SGA-DFA-PY-10-07. This notification has been delivered to potential partners throughout the state.
Due to the grant time frame, DELEG requests that responses be submitted by noon on Monday, March 14, 2011. All responses should be sent via email to Erin Duckett (, 517-335-4414).
We have included the following:
-Grant Synopsis
–DELEG Request for Partners
–DOL Full Announcement
Although the State of Michigan will submit a larger collaborative application, we will support other organization’s applications as we have in the past. Please forward your support letter request including sample letter and project overview to Jennifer Tebedo via
Click here to be introduced to DELEG.
Source: Michigan Dept. of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth (DELEG)