Michigan News
Michigan Interfaith Power & Light Founder, Father Charles Morris, has been named as a “2011 Green Leader” from the Detroit Free Press. This is the second year for the Detroit Free Press to present these awards, meant to recognize efforts to make Michigan cleaner, economically diverse and sustainable. Other winners include Meadowlark Builders, the Ecology Center, and Gloria Rivera and Paula Cathcart, Immaculate Heart of Mary. http://www.freep.com/article/20110313/BUSINESS06/103130427/Meet-Detroit-Free-Press-Michigan-Green-Leaders?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE
PlugInMichigan.org, funded by a grant from the MPSC, serves as a location for all things PEVs – from basic information to detailed information on what’s required to ensure a positive experience as a PEV customer. http://pluginmichigan.org/
Northern Power Systems has introduced their new 2.3 MW permanent magnet, direct drive wind turbine at the European Wind Energy Assoc. Annual Event in Brussels. Northern Power Systems has installed its first prototype turbine at the Stoney Corners wind farm in McBain. This prototype turbine, shipped from the new Northern Power factory in Saginaw, is the largest direct drive wind turbine in North America. Tour the turbine online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyBBDBN4wnw
Ann Arbor City Council recently approved installing solar panels on the roof of a fire station, purchasing 500 new LED streetlights, and launching a new energy efficiency program for businesses. An 8 kW PV system and a solar domestic hot water system will be installed on a fire station in early June. The Council approved a $482,800 loan loss reserve fund to be used in conjunction with the city’s new Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program that’s being developed. Ann Arbor could issue revenue bonds to pay for upgrades on private property and property owners would repay the loans through special assessments added to their property tax bills. The loan loss reserve fund will allow the city to leverage 10 times as much private funding for PACE. http://www.annarbor.com/news/going-green-solar-panels-led-lights-new-energy-program-win-support-of-ann-arbor-city-council/
University of Michigan will test an energy-saving lighting technology in the Hill Street parking structure. The new LimeLight system, developed by a Michigan company, makes use of a sophisticated computer management system that allows individual lights to be turned off and on by program settings, motion sensors and photocells http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2011/03/15/um-wireless-lighting-control-system-to-save-energy-money/
Environmental Law and Policy Center study finds that 121 Michigan companies are engaged in the solar industry and 120 Michigan companies are part of the wind energy supply chain. The solar and wind industries provide over 10,000 jobs in Michigan. http://elpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/ELPCMichiganSolarandWindReport2011.pdf
Michigan Complete Streets Coalition recently won the Campaign of the Year from the Alliance for Biking and Walking. The Complete Streets approach means road construction and improvements will take into account non-motorized uses. A total of 32 Michigan communities have passed ordinances or resolutions in support of Michigan Complete Streets. That’s the most in the nation, says John Lindenmayer, co-chair of the Michigan Complete Streets Coalition. http://www.metromodemedia.com/devnews/0317micompletestreets0201.aspx
Gratiot County has three major wind developments. The first wind farm, a $440 million project with more than 125 turbines, will be up and spinning by the end of 2011. The first stage of the project will provide 150 skilled construction jobs, 15 full-time technician jobs, and $1.2 million in annual revenue for the county and municipalities. Landowners will get $80 per acre for leasing space for a turbine and a percentage of gross royalties. The project is expected to generate enough electricity to power 54,000 homes annually. . Two more projects are in different stages of development and could bring several hundred additional turbines within the next few years. http://www.midwestenergynews.com/2011/03/22/michigan-county-welcomes-wind-farm-with-open-arms/
Grand Valley State University’s Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center in Muskegon is acquiring a wind assessment buoy that will collect wind data. MAREC has received final federal approval to proceed with the three-year, offshore wind assessment study. The buoy will deploy into Lake Michigan in September and will come equipped with a laser wind sensor to measure offshore wind conditions. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2011/03/27/marec-gets-federal-ok-for-offshore-wind-study/
Beyond Michigan
Interactive Institute, a Swedish non-profit, had developed the Power-Aware Cord which embeds wires around a cable that pulse light in relation to how much electricity is being used. The more current, the brighter and faster the blue light spirals. In testing the device, researchers found that making the invisible visible tuned customers in to high energy usage.
Wisconsin is leading the nation in turning livestock manure into power. During 2009 methane gas produced by anaerobic manure digesters generated 657.1 million kWh’s compared to 110.1 million kWh’s in 1995. There are 26 farms in the state that have manure digesters, with 35 digesters total in the state. http://www.thenorthwestern.com/article/20110330/OSH0101/103300454/1128&located=rss
Wind Turbines have been shown to result in increased libido in both men and women according to Swedish researcher Lars Hillson. The unanticipated findings came from a survey Dr. Hillson conducted on residents within a half mile of a Swedish wind farm. The Swedish Research Council has established a committee to determine if the impacts should be considered positive or negative.
Purdue University researchers say they’ve produced a new class of solar cells by using carbon nanotubes and DNA that can repair themselves much like plants do through photosynthesis. Photoelectrochemical cells that convert sunlight into electricity contain light-absorbing dyes called chromophores that degrade due to exposure to sunlight. The new technology gets around this problem in the same way nature does, by continuously replacing the photo-damaged dyes with new ones. The new technology could lead to cells that can operate at full capacity indefinitely.
Italian Lingerie Company Intimissimi is providing 4 dollar credits toward a new bra for recycled bras. The program is like Cash for Clunkers. The recycled bras will pad walls as soundproof insulating panels.
The Fun Theory campaign by Volkswagen awarded 2,500 euros (about $3,345) to Kevin Richardson for his “Speed Camera Lottery,” which proposed that people who were caught on camera driving within the speed limit would be entered into a lottery to receive cash prizes — with the winnings being drawn from the fines of drivers caught speeding. They tried it in Stockholm, Sweden and it worked. Average speeds went from 20 to 15 mph during the three-day experiment, a reduction of 22%.
iFan has been conceptualized by designer Tjeerd Veenhoven to charge an iPhone with wind energy. The modified PC fan is molded into a rubberized iPhone case which can charge the phone attached to it every time the wind blows. However, the iFan takes around 6 hours. One can speed up the process by popping it into the case of a bicycle in order to generate the kind of breeze needed to charge the application.
Learn from Experience: Improve your Building’s Energy Efficiency with Rebuild Ypsilanti will be held at the Ypsilanti District Library on April 5, 10am-12n. www.ypsilibrary.org
2nd Turbine Supply Chain Conference 2011 will be held on April 5-6 in Detroit. http://www.windenergyupdate.com/supplychainusa/
How Emerging Technologies are Impacting West Michigan’s Energy Future will be held on April 6, 7-9 pm at Muskegon Community College. How are new developments in solar, hydrogen, biomass, nuclear and other alternative forms of power generation changing the economics of energy?http://www.misustainable.com/calendar/events/index.php?com=detail&eID=637&year=2011&month=4
Michigan Energy Forum – Solar Technology: Powering the Future will be held at Ann Arbor SPARK on April 7, 5:00-7:00 PM. A panel of experts will discuss key issues and strategies associated with solar energy ranging from innovative product development to funding opportunities for start-ups. http://www.annarborusa.org/events/details?e=10752
University of Michigan’s Industrial Energy Center is hosting the 2nd in its series of industrial energy efficiency training events – Process Heating Assessment training – on April 12. This workshop provides an introduction to process heating and equipment, such as furnaces, dryers, and heaters, and highlights the use of DOE’s Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST). http://www.miec.engin.umich.edu/?q=node/210
Energy Efficiency as a Business Solution and How to Take Advantage of Incentive Rebates will be topic of the April 12 meeting of the East Michigan Assoc. of Energy Engineers. The meeting will be held at 5:30 pm at the Alfred Taubman Student Service Center at Lawrence Technological University Rm C406.
Michigan Energy Conference will be held at Ferris State on April 13 & 14. This conference will be attended by industry leaders in the fields of education, energy, energy management, public policy/governance, construction and transportation. http://www.ferris.edu/mec/
Kurt Cobb, novelist and founding member of the Assoc. for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas will discuss Prelude, “a new novel about secrets, treachery and the arrival of peak oil. This tale of suspense provides a startling reinterpretation of contemporary events as it dramatizes the central issue of our age–our troubled energy future” on April 19, 5:30 –7 p.m. at Michigan Energy Options. RSVP to info@michiganenergyoptions.org or call 517.337.0422 x1303
Discover Your Future in the Great Lakes Bay Region’s Solar System will be held at SVSU on April 19, Noon – 7:00 PM. TheSVSU Solar Summit is a business network seminar in which solar industry experts and businesses interested in installing solar can learn, share, and collaborate on the existing solar industry and its future in the Great Lakes Bay Region. Contact Linda Haas at lhaas@svsu.edu or (989) 964-7015.
Revitalizing Innovation in Michigan for Clean Energy Manufacturing will be held on April 21-22 at the Michigan League, University of Michigan. http://energy.umich.edu/news-events/events/
BioEnergy Conference will be hosted by Oakland University’s Clean Energy Research Center on April 26th. Information will be presented on energy crop production / fuel procurement, combustion, torrefaction, pyrolosis, gasification, anerobic digestion, and biochar. www.oakland.edu/bioenergyconference
Green Living Festival will be held on May 13-15 in downtown Rochester. Learn about green living and wellness, and healthy, eco-friendly products, services and programs. http://migreenteam.com/glf
Smart Grid Symposium will be held at the Dearborn Inn on May 18-20. www.ipu.msu.edu/programs/MIGrid2011
Great Lakes Energy Service has Energy Camps beginning June 13-17 http://www.greatlakesenergyservice.org/pages/camps.html
Michigan Energy Fair will be held this year on June 24-26 at the Mason County Fair Grounds in Ludington. Get your booth now before prices increase at www.glrea.org!
2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, a global forum for power and energy professionals, will be held at the Detroit Marriott, Ren Cen on July 24-29. www.pes-gm.org/2011
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Source/Prepared by: John Sarver for Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA)