As the events in Japan and the Middle East unfold, energy supplies and world economies are already beginning to feel the impact. Many analysts agree that in the financial aftershock, governments may be forced to create policies more favorable to renewable energy.
In the United States, the president recently delivered a key policy speech outlining a new energy security policy for the country, and reiterating the goal of generating 80% of the nation’s electricity from renewable energy sources by the year 2025.
Get insights into these critical questions and learn how Michigan is positioned to expand its role in the renewable energy sector. Register today for the Broad Executive Forum of Mid-Michigan, Wednesday, April 13, at the James B. Henry Center for Executive Development at Michigan State University.
The 2011 keynote address will be presented by Linda H. Blair, executive vice president and chief business officer of Michigan-based ITC Holdings. ITC Holdings with headquarters in Novi, Mich., is the largest independent electricity transmission company in the United States.
Linda H. Blair, a graduate of the Broad College Weekend MBA Program, will present an evening capstone address on the need for a diversified energy portfolio and the pressing need for investment in the U.S. energy transmission infrastructure. Through a modernized energy infrastructure, the new energy economy – including renewable energy from biomass, bio-fuels, solar, wind and water — will develop critical commercial opportunities, produce thousands of jobs, ensure energy security, and move the Michigan, the region, and the United States closer to achieving clean energy goals and energy independence.
In the first of the two concurrent afternoon workshop sessions, the Forum will welcome Blaire Miller, a graduate of the Broad College Executive MBA Program and executive vice president of URV-USA, LLC, a Finnish wind turbine components manufacturer with new U.S. headquarters in Eaton County, Mich. Miller will join Broad College Finance Department Chair Michael Mazzeo to present the workshop Energy Investment Strategies and Opportunities. The session will open with an update of strategies in renewable energy for bio fuel, biomass, wind, solar and water. Workshop participants can expect to gain a better understanding of how Michigan companies can finance alternative energy as a complement to existing energy needs, and become more knowledgeable about energy ETFs (exchange traded funds) and markets for REC (renewable energy credits). The workshop presenters will discuss public and private collaborations and patterns of development and the companies operating in this space. Ample time is allotted for audience questions and discussion.
Broad College Supply Chain faculty chair, David Closs, will outline the sector strategies and planning that envisions the development of a major supply chain hub in the region, extending from the metro Detroit area north to Saginaw County and west to include the mid-Michigan counties of Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Jackson and Shiawassee, in addition to the economic regions of Northeast Ohio and Southwest Ontario. That vision is now part of a new multi-million dollar implementation grant. Closs will discuss the SCM development model, the strategies for implementation and the challenges to be met in achieving the benefits of this cross-border regional strategy. Workshop participants can expect to learn how the success of this economic development project will capitalize on region’s natural resources and infrastructure, and a skilled workforce to create nearly 70,000 jobs – and to identify their own business opportunities within the sector.
Forum Schedule:
3:30 pm Registration check-in
4:00 pm Concurrent Workshops
5:15 pm Networking Reception
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Keynote address
8:00 pm Adjourn
Online registration for individuals and groups, and corporate sponsorship information available now. See link below. Event registration of $75/individual or $420/group registration for six (6) persons includes:
Workshop, reception with hors d’oeuvres and hosted beer and wine bar, dinner and keynote presentation.
Alumni Relations
Click web link to access the event registration site:
Source: MSU Broad College of Business