Just when you thought spring was here, winter creeps in for another fight. Even though it still feels like winter, we can get our tasty gardens ready.
Soil is a key component for the growth of our plants. I might sound crazy but soil is alive as much as you or me. Millions of organisms live in our soil that help to enrich it. Decomposition is the best thing for the soil, so let old unwanted plants die to be natural fertilizers in your garden. If you have not started a composting system yet, it is not to late. A compost bin, bokashi bin or manure will work for your garden. If you decide to compost outside, make sure it has an opening for organisms and open to heat to help decomposition. Remember you can not put everything into compost or you will attract unwanted rodents.
While you are waiting for decomposition it is a good time to germinate seeds indoors. Soil is extremely important and I believe it is better for your health and your plants to use everything organic, from soil to fertilizer. Try a composting system, your plants will love it and your taste buds will too.
- Have you tried composting before?
- Do you have a composting bin that you would like to recommend?
- Are you planning to start a garden this spring?
Source: Amber Andrade