Michigan News
GLREA advocates and promotes policies, technologies, and practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable; while partnering with key stakeholders to increase the use of renewable energy.
One of the main ways the GLREA reaches this goal is by holding the Michigan Energy Fair. The goal of this event is to allow those in the sustainable energy industry an opportunity to network with one another while also educating the public. Not only is this event a great learning experience it also is fun, with local food, fun activities and workshops, engaging speakers, and music thrown in for good measure. Join us June 24-26 in Ludington.
Consumers Energy’s renewable energy plan Consumers Energy’s amended renewable energy plan (REP) that reflects lower costs than originally forecast and expands its Experimental Advanced Renewable Program (EARP) has been approved by the MPSC. Consumers’ plan proposed 650 MW of new renewable capacity, consisting of 625 MW of wind energy. 350.8 MW Consumers plans to build and the remainder will come from power purchase agreements. The revenues needed for its renewable capacity is now estimated to be $3.1 billion, compared to $5.3 billion in the original REP. Actual costs are lower than expected. An expansion of the EARP will be approximately 3 MW of additional solar generation divided between small (up to 20 kilowatts (kW)) and large systems (up to 150 kW). Approximately $16.5 million will be spent. The REP also approves $1 million for research on off-shore wind energy development.
DTE Solar pilot program
DTE Energy has announced that the customer-owned portion of its SolarCurrents program is fully subscribed. DTE’s program has two components – a pilot program for customer-owned solar installations which has met its goal of 5 MW and one for utility-owned installations which has a goal of 15 MW. http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2011/05/08/dte-energys-solarcurrents-program-fully-subscribed/
Wyandotte geothermal utility Wyandotte homeowners are lined up to become customers of a geothermal public utility, thought to be one of the first of its kind in the country. Customers can save about $500 to $1,000 a year because they will need less electricity in the summer and no natural gas for heat. Wyandotte expects most customers will have the city install the well and own and maintain the equipment outside the home, while the ground source heat pump will be owned by the homeowner. So far, Wyandotte has installed geothermal systems on homes owned by the city and has built or renovated 44 homes with a $7.7 million grant through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Officials in Dearborn Heights are also working on plans to make geothermal energy available to their residents. http://www.renewablesbiz.com/article/11/05/wyandotte-homeowners-get-chance-geothermal-energy
State Energy Loan program Michigan Saves Home Energy Loan program will be increasing its loan cap from $12,500 to $20,000 on June 1. The higher loan cap will help consumers who want to invest more in their homes including PV systems. The interest rate is fixed at 7% APR, with loan terms up to 120 months. Michigan Saves currently has nine authorized lenders providing statewide coverage. Customers must select a Michigan Saves authorized contractor, who can help them initiate the loan application process. A list of nearly 200 authorized contractors is available at http://www.michigansaves.org/
GLREA Energy Efficiency seminar at West Shore Community College will be held on June 8, 6pm – 8pm. Cost is $15. Call 517-646-6269 to register.
2011 Mission Zero Fest will be held in Ann Arbor on June 11-12. Tour tickets include tours of 3 homes, lectures, workshops and more. http://web.me.com/kellygrocoff/missionzerohouse/Tour_Info.html
DOE Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium presents the North Central Region Workshop on June 16–17 in the Detroit Metro Area. www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/ssl/consortium_nc2011_detroit.html
GLREA PV Apprentice course June 20th – 24th at West Shore Community College in Ludington. Cost is $1,000 for GLREA members or $1,090 for nonmembers. Call 517-646-6269 to register.
Michigan Energy Fair will be held this year on June 24-26 at the Mason County Fair Grounds in Ludington. With over 70 workshops and more than 50 exhibitors join us for this years’ Fair. www.glrea.org
2011 Annual Sustainability Conference will be held by Michigan Interfaith Power & Light and Center for Sustainability at Aquinas College at the Grand Rapids campus on October 5. Save the date. www.miipl.org
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Source/Prepared by: John Sarver for Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA)