The Detroit City Council in September voted eight to zero to pass a new law that will promote the purchase and use of environmentally friendly goods and services.
The change to the city’s purchasing law is the conclusion of nearly two years of work by Ken Cockrel Jr. and members of the Detroit City Council Green Task Force with he founded and chairs.
The ordinance changed the city’s buying practices to create a preference for green products like: 1) recycled cleaning fluids, paper, ink, and tires 2) biodegradable and non-toxic projects in maintenance operations, and energy efficient equipment.
For example, under the terms of the ordinance if the city has the choice of paying for two similarly priced air conditioning units it would likely purchase one that has an energy start rating rather than one that did not. Energy Star is a government backed program that labels products which are more energy efficient and reduce the discharge of greenhouse gasses and pollutants.
“Detroit must become a greener city, not jusst in terms of economic development but also in our own business practices,” said Cockrel. “This is another important step towards making Detroit the greenest city in Southeastern Michigan.”
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Source: Cockrel’s Corner, A Publication from Kenneth V. Cockrel Jr., City Council Member