The City of Dearborn is taking one of its first steps toward reducing its climate impact by working with Clean Energy Coalition to conduct a community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory. The inventory will quantify all GHG emissions generated within the City’s boundaries during a particular year to establish an emissions baseline.
Sources of community GHG emissions range from residential, commercial and industrial energy use to waste to transportation. By setting a baseline and tracking emissions over time, a local government can assess how different sectors contribute to overall emissions, begin to understand what factors shape its specific climate impact and monitor the growth or change in emissions over time.
Completing an inventory is also a municipality’s first step towards developing a climate action plan. A climate action plan typically sets emissions reduction targets, determines the best strategies to focus on the largest emitting sectors and outlines actions for reducing community emissions to meet the established goals.
Clean Energy Coalition can help your city with all of its energy and climate planning needs. To learn more about this initiative, or to inquire about climate services for your city, contact Communities division manager Jenny Oorbeck.
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Source: Clean Energy Coalition