An Electric car class will be taught by Will Smith at the St Clair County Community College in Port Huron, MI. Class dates are as follows: March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day), and March 24th. It’s 9:00am – 5:20pm both days.
This course is worth 1 college credit and is open to anyone but it is limited to 12 students. The class is first come, first serve. This is a trial run and if successful, it will be offered to more students and possible expansion.
The conversion of a Geo Metro to lithium will take place during this class. A course on safety will also be instructed, followed by a quiz on what was learned in the class.
In conclusion, there will be coverage on the basics of the conversion, the remaining time will be spent reassembling of the vehicle, getting running and hopefully taking it for rides until the batteries run out of charge.
If you would like further information please contact: Will Smith of Motor City Motors at
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Source: Motor City Motors