The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is updating its 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan to guide state investments for the next 20 years.
MDOT is seeking public comment on the draft version of its Long Range Transportation Plan, but only through Friday!
MDOT’s own adopted vision says the future transportation system must “respond to the public’s demand for more transit and non-motorized choices.” According to the vision, “better public access and mobility…will be a higher priority than building a larger system.”
Unfortunately, the draft Long Range Plan falls short of that vision. Instead, it predicts that we’ll be driving even more in 2035 than we do now, in spite of increasingly unaffordable gas, our aging population, and a younger generation that’s seeking other ways to get around. And they’re still planning to spend a billion dollars to widen I-94. Tell MDOT to fix their plan!!
SIGN our petition to demand more transportation options, not more highways for our state!
SHARE the petition with all your friends and interested groups and urge them to sign it too.
Send your own personal message to MDOT with your own concerns and comments at
And please act now! We only have until Friday!!
Source: Transportation Riders United