The Great Lakes Fishery Trust (GLFT) is now accepting proposals under its Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Fish Populations: Habitat Protection and Restoration focus area through two grant categories. Submissions through this request for proposals (RFP) process are due by Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Grants awarded under the Targeted Land and Capital Effort (Including Barrier Removals) RFP are intended to:
Protect, enhance, and/or restore valuable Great Lakes fisheries habitat that supports the rehabilitation of lake trout, lake sturgeon, or other important Great Lakes fish populations.
Restore Great Lakes wetlands.
Remove dams or barriers to restore fish passage. Proposals involving fish passage should be consistent with sea lamprey control plans and policies of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and other invasive species management plans.
Evaluate the effectiveness of new or experimental approaches in habitat restoration and fish passage.
Acquire land or easements to protect essential habitat that directly supports the priorities identified above.
Grants awarded under the Habitat Information Initiative RFP are intended to:
Support the development of a desktop barrier removal decision-support tool (or supporting modules) to enable managers and regulatory agencies to evaluate potential social-cultural, biological, and ecological tradeoffs of removal projects within and among watersheds.
Support the completion of field inventories that comprehensively identify road-stream crossings and other barriers at the watershed scale for watersheds identified as a high priority in planning or other management documents.
Complete an economic assessment comparing the lifespan and cost of properly and improperly placed road-stream crossing structures that would inform placement of design alternatives.
For more information and to submit a proposal, visit the GLFT website at The Great Lakes Fishery Trust will only accept submissions online on or before 5:00 PM, March 18, 2015. If you have questions regarding the program area or a proposal submission, please contact Jonathon Beard, grant manager, at or (517) 371-7468.
Source: Great Lakes Fishery Trust