August 1, 2015 saw thousands of volunteers come together for ARISE! Detroit’s 9th annual Neighborhoods Day to show their commitment to bettering Detroit’s communities. Hundreds of projects were formed and finished, bringing out thousands of young and old, to work on increasing the connection, unity, and bettering neighborhoods in various ways.
With so many to choose from,’s chose to highlight one of our favorite organizations, the Cooley Reuse Project. The Cooley Reuse Project team, led by Nicole Pitts and husband LaMar Williams, brought in over 6000 plants, donated by nonprofit America the Beautiful Seeds, to beautify the front lawn of the Cooley High School building, which has been closed and unkept since 2011. Pitts has been in negotiations to purchase the property, which she feels is of great historical value. In her travels, Pitts has seen how other countries preserve and reuse their historical structures, inspiring her to create the CRP organization to revive this massive landmark. DPS has yet to hand over the keys, but the team’s motivation and persistence to the cause keeps them hopeful.
Hundreds were on hand between Cooley and Calvary Methodist Church, where Cooley T-shirts and lunch were offered at no charge, children bounced in playhouses, and donated items were available to those with need and interest.
However, a dire situation arose when it came to the volunteers’ attention; the building has no running water. The literally thousands of plants so generously donated were in a dire situation.
Always results driven, Pitts contacted Engine 53 firehouse on Greenfield road just a few blocks from the school. With no answer at the door and after several phone calls, the volunteers had to end the day with no resolution.
But Pitts is persistent. Early the next morning she was back, and this time connections were made. After battling two fires in a row just beforehand, the Detroit Fire Department, Engine 53, arrived Sunday evening to water the thousands of thirsty plants.
“Cooley Reuse Project’s Neighborhoods Day Clean Up and Green Up volunteer event would not have been the smashing success it was without helping hands and hearts,” Pitts said. “ARISE! Detroit’s amazing team of sponsors, along with the above include OCCFA, (Oakland County Community College’s Faculty Union), OCC’s Royal Oak Book Store, Frank Mabry’s Master Gardener guidance, Goodwell’s Natural Foods Market for their vegetarian meals, Cooley Alumni and the Belmont Community residents and supporters who have cared and watched over Cooley High School since its closing. They, along with the Detroit Fire Department, Engine 53 have our everlasting gratitude.”
Cathleen Francois is COO/Asst. Executive Director and sometimes writer for She fancies herself a science geek with a passion for uplifting the city of Detroit. Contact her at
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