Nutrition educator and best-selling author Kerrie Saunders, M.S., L.L.P., Ph.D., has been named president of Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG). In this role, Dr. Saunders will oversee operations, funding, programming and marketing for the 501(c)(3) nonprofit that supports those seeking to improve their health through a whole foods, plant-based diet.
An internationally known presenter and consultant, Dr. Saunders brings more than 25 years of health education leadership to PBNSG. She is best-selling author of The Vegan Diet as Chronic Disease Prevention and a contributing author to Rethink Food: Over 100 Leading Doctors Can’t Be Wrong. Often featured on radio, TV and in numerous publications, Dr. Saunders has served as a cancer and diabetes food demonstrator for the Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; as leader of the Engine 2 Michigan Firefighter Challenge and, most recently, as director of education for RJL Systems. A psychologist and certified FLT health care practitioner, she holds a doctorate in natural health.
“With now decades of research demonstrating the superiority of plant-based diets for human health, the shift in audience questions seems to have gone from the ‘why’ to the ‘how,’” says Dr. Saunders. “It’s inspiring to hear so many stories of better sleep, more energy, weight loss, and results so great in some instances that physicians have been able to reduce or eliminate medications.”
Founded in 2014 by former heart patient Paul Chatlin and local cardiologist, Reader’s Digest columnist and best-selling author Joel Kahn, M.D., Plant Based Nutrition Support Group is an active group of individuals dedicated to improving their health by following a whole foods, plant-based diet. PBNSG offers programs and resources for those interested in making lifestyle changes to help prevent or reverse chronic disease and achieve optimal health.
“This integrated approach to health — choosing more whole plant foods and more activity – is true lifestyle medicine. I’m both honored and excited to join PBNSG in the important work they do to support people along that path.”
PBNSG’s fall/winter lecture series features an acclaimed roster of speakers, including nationally renowned Dr. John McDougall, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Michael Greger and Julieanna Hever, along with local experts on plant-based nutrition and health.
To learn more about PBNSG’s lecture series as well as walking groups, grocery store tours, recipes, dinners and special events, visit