#DetroitRising Summit was launched January 26th 2016 at Microsoft offices in Southfield, Michigan. By all accounts the Summit was a great success, in large part due to your tremendous investment of time and energy of 122 attendees from all 7 sectors including: private sector, academia, non-profits, faith base, philanthropy, government, and civic society.
The creative outputs from the social innovation lab discussions helped show the value of conversations between sectors that typically do not interact. Hopefully creating collaborative partnerships to future resilience projects in the Detroit community. The social innovation lab suggestions will be synthesized and shared with policy makers, leaders and investors. This will help inform the Rockefeller “Cities Resilience framework” and the #DetroitRising initiative move forward.
The discussions not only produced a volume of innovative ideas, but setup a framework to build an equitable social economy in Detroit. Everyone has expressed their appreciation for the event and is looking forward to next steps. We are also extremely grateful! We know that your contributions will have a significant impact on the quality and outcome of future collaborations and investments around Detroit, especially in the areas of gentrification, housing, clean energy mobility and beyond.
#DetroitRising will continue to inspire the community to take the next steps in build a “City of Resilience”
Our next summit will be April 26th, at that time we will launch Detroit city portal powered by http://www.sphaera.world this platform will creating a mapping process of local SocEnt and NP working social and environmental issues in Detroit. We will provided a speaker series in 4 categories of City Resilience Framework: Leadership & Strategy, Health & Wellness, Economy & Social, Infrastructure & environment, C40’s Cities and ARUP will assist with the environmental piece.