As the global population continues to skyrocket, we are faced with a looming challenge: many natural resources on our planet could one day cease to exist. Finite resources like metals and fossil fuels are already vanishing at an alarming rate, while renewable resources like trees and fertile land are being destroyed through common industrial practices.
Take copper manufacturing, for example. Mining raw ore contaminates groundwater, devastates natural ecosystems, and generates waste by the thousands of tons. Preparing and smelting this ore into a finished product is energetically demanding, consuming vast amounts of non-renewable fuels. In addition, the process pumps out toxic waste and emissions contributing generously to atmospheric pollution.
Secondary production (recycling) of metals from used copper, by comparison, creates far less strain on the environment and human health. Unalloyed copper can be re-used over and over again without a loss in quality, while scraps containing metallurgic impurities are used to fabricate brass and other useful alloys. This entire process of secondary production is highly efficient, generating minimal waste and using only a small percentage of the energy required in primary production. By opting to recycle your scrap copper, you are helping to reduce its carbon footprint and getting the greatest possible value out of each ingot.
Choosing to recycle wherever possible demonstrates your commitment to bettering the world for current and future generations. Every time you make the decision to reuse or recycle materials, no matter how small, you’re keeping those materials out of already overflowing landfills and putting them back into circulation. Likewise, you’re placing a consumer “vote” for better environmental practices that will improve the health of natural ecosystems and, by extension, people and economies worldwide. Show your care for the world and boost the integrity of your business by choosing to do the right thing.