We invite you to register as a participant at the Neighborhoods in America’s Legacy Cities: A Dialogue in Detroit conference, September 13-16, 2016.
The conference will bring together professionals, decision-makers and academics from America’s Legacy Cities, where long-term population loss and economic restructuring present difficult challenges for the future of astounding historic resources and significant cultural heritage. The conference will focus on the following areas; Preservation as a Tool, Legacy Cities Today and Tomorrow, Neighborhood Transformation and Preservation and Public Health. Expert panel discussions will explore innovative work happening in these areas, while a range of exciting sessions will dive deeper into groundbreaking projects that are revitalizing Legacy Cities throughout the country.
What: A four day event, with keynotes, panels, workshops and tours of Detroit neighborhoods.
Where: Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
When: September 13-16, 2016
Visit dialogueindetroit.org for more information!