Each month, KIND Snacks gives away $10,000 to the charity that gets the most votes and we’re participating!
What we need…
In order to win, we need the support from everyone we know! Our goal is 8,000 votes and we only have one month to get there! We have until July 31st to get as many votes as possible.
How to vote…
Each person is able to cast 4 votes… the first vote is by clicking on the link and signing up (super quick), then 3 more for sharing to facebook, twitter and email (it walks you through the process). It really only takes about a minute of your time (we promise) and they only ask for your email address and ask you to set a password, nothing else, not even a follow-up email!
Within the next six months, you can be a part of helping D-MAN welcome seven new clients into our program!! #bethemiracle
Source: D-Man