Are you an entrepreneur, C-suite leader, top manager, frontline supervisor or someone who sees the purpose of business as something more than the generation of profits? If so, you’ll not want to miss SMSBF’s upcoming Member Guest event.“Being the Change” promises to be another value packed installment of SMSBF’s recognized Member Guest series. “Being the Change” will focus on B-Corps and will shed light on their history, how B-Corp certification works and how your business can benefit from this emerging model, a model that’s being the change and creating the triple bottom line economy of people, planet and profit.
For more event details, click here.
Mark Your Calendars
Being the Change takes place on Thursday, August 24th from 8:30 am to noon. The day begins with registration at 8:30 am; presentations begin with an update on the SMSBF, followed by our featured presentations. The event ends promptly at noon. Breakfast foods and drinks will be served and are included in the registration price.
Click here to register for the event.
Event registration is just $25 for non-members. However, for just $35, you can join SMSBF today with an annual individual membership and receive free admittance to this event and one year’s worth of Member-Guest events.
Event Location
Being the Change will take place in Room M336 of the Buell Management Building on the Southfield Campus of Lawrence Technological University. To see a map of the location, click here.
Elissa Hillary is the President of Local First (Click to read Elissa’s bio), which is located in West Michigan and “leads the development of an economy grounded in local ownership”. Elissa will provide an introduction to B Corps, talk about her work through Local First promoting B Corporations and triple bottom line locally, and discuss using your business as a force for good in Michigan.
Liesl Eichler Clark is a co-founder and partner of 5 Lakes Energy (click here to read Liesl’s bio), which is located in Lansing and is a nationally recognized policy consulting firm offering services to the public and private sectors in clean energy policy development, research and analysis, and sustainability practices.
Liesl will discuss why 5 Lakes Energy decided to pursue B-Corp certification and what the process entails, as well as the additional benefits of becoming a B Corp that they were not aware of when starting the process.
Don’t forget to register for this event here!
We’re proud to promote our presenters!
Source: Southeast Michigan Sustainable Business Forum
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