The Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) Introduction to Lakes course is being offered online January 2018 and registration is now open. This popular six-week, cohort-based course is offered in a convenient self-paced online format and is designed for anyone interested in lakes, including lakefront property owners, lake users, local government officials, lake managers, and educators. Over the last two years, 235 lake enthusiasts across Michigan and surrounding states participated in the class.
The online format allows you, from the comfort of your home or office, to have week-by-week, 24/7 access to six online units — complete with video lectures, activities, resources, discussion forums, quizzes, and Ask-an-Expert webinar sessions with Michigan State University Extension. Through this convenient format, you can increase your knowledge and understanding of lake ecology, lake and their watersheds, shorelines, Michigan water law, aquatic plant management, and citizen involvement. The course schedule allows for regular online communication with classmates and course instructors.
The 2018 course runs January 23 – March 9. Ask-an-Expert webinars are scheduled from 12 to 1 p.m. February 7, February 21, and March 7, 2018. The cost of the course is $115 per person. Register by December 22, 2017 for an early bird discounted price of $95 per person. Registration ends January 16, 2018.
Those who complete the course will receive a free one-year membership to Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, complete with 4 issues of The Michigan Riparian Magazine.
Read more about how past students benefited from this course: “Learn about Michigan’s lakes online.”
Michigan Department of Rural Development Pesticide Applicator Recertification credits, Michigan Department of Education State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH), Master Citizen Planner Education Credits, Master Gardener education hours, and Michigan Conservation Stewards Program advanced training hours are available for this course.
For more details about Introduction to Lakes Online and to register, visit the MSU Extension Introduction to Lakes web page.