The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued the report “Do Web Host Protect Their Small Business Customers With Secure Hosting And Anti-Phishing Technologies? This report is the result of a mid-2017 investigation by the FTC’s Office of Technology Research and Investigation into the security features offered by eleven web hosts that primarily target small businesses.
The findings of the report include that 73% of the web hosts include SSL/TLS protocol (offering site verification, encryption connection between the user’s browser and server) into website set up. At the same time, the vast majority of web hosts (over 90%) did not include email authentication (an anti-phishing tool) as a default feature. The report also found that small businesses are less likely to use available email authentication technology, leaving them more vulnerable to email phishing attacks. The FTC concludes that web hosts targeting small businesses should include more robust default security features. Access the FTC’s report here. Contact us at Ossian Law regarding any information technology law question.
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“IoT — A Legal Look”
Identifying and Addressing Risks of Connected Devices
Friday, April 13th — 4:00 – 5:00 PM
2018 D-Con Cybersecurity Conference
North Oakland ISSA
Baker College of Auburn Hills, 1500 University Drive, Auburn Hills, MI 48326The convenience of an increasing number of smart devices in our professional and personal lives cannot be denied. Along with that convenience come security and privacy risks. Information Technology lawyer Kathy Ossian will identify risks, provide many examples and offer tips for both providers and users toward managing the risks. Register here today!
“Brand Protection in the Digital Age”
Thursday, April 19th – 6:00 to 7:30 PM
Ossian Law P.C. 701 Woodward Heights, Ste. 117, Ferndale, MI 48220
In the age of brand tarnishment, social media impersonation and similar threats, policing your brand is more important than ever. Information Technology attorney Kathy Ossian will address ways to harmonize your organization’s branding with your social media and other online presence. Networking from 6:00-6:30 with presentation from 6:30 – 7:30. Complimentary admission. Includes heavy hors d’oeuvres. Space is limited so register here today!
Have a suggestion for a future IT Law Alert or presentation topic? Let us know here
Kathy Ossian has been elected as Secretary of the Law Practice Management & Legal Administrators Section Council of the State Bar of Michigan. The Section’s mission is to provide education, information and analysis about issues of concern to members involved in legal administrative or managerial duties in the private, public and academic sectors. |
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