Ali Dirul and his Ryter Cooperative team oversaw the beginning installation of Soulardarity’s 1st Solar Smart Pole at Parker Village, in the Historic city of Highland Park. The concrete base and Battery Box went in this past Monday, April 2nd on the PV Campus.
The light, designed and manufactured by Ann Arbor, Michigan, based company, Solartonic, will be the first of its kind in Highland Park, but not the last as Parker Village plans to light up its campus which spans East Buena Vista and Winona Avenues in the small historic city. It includes Digital signage, integrated solar panels on the pole, large lithium battery and a built-in Wi-Fi Node that will provide free wi-fi to visitors on the Parker Village Campus, when its system comes online.
The timing of the install is to prepare for the first Energy, Sustainability and Tech Fair to be held in Highland Park on May 12th and sponsored by Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA), Soulardarity, Modern Tribe Communications and Parker Village. The fair will feature a variety of speakers in the clean energy, Sustainability and Technology fields that are part of Parker Village’s mission to establish a community center that is also a tech hub with Renewable Energy as its centerpoint.
For more information or to become a sponsor of the fair reach out to Soulardarity on their webpage:
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