The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) announced today the funding of $2,516,756 in grants to develop new uses for used vehicle tires and to support increased law enforcement activities within the city of Detroit. When illegal dumping in the environment occurs, scrap tires pose both a fire hazard and a human health risk as a mosquito breeding ground. These grants help reduce or eliminate instances of illegal dumping, support proper collection and handling, and begin to define scrap tires as a commodity, rather than a waste material. These scrap tire grants support building sustainable markets for recycled tire materials in Michigan. Grants have traditionally included support for essential equipment and materials that aid in the establishment of new markets, including various manufacturing processes, implementation and testing of paving materials, energy generation, and other innovative approaches. These grants contribute to a more sustainable business model for the scrap tire industry through increased market opportunities for scrap tire processors, end users, and manufacturers. The 2019 funding will be used to support the following projects:
- Detroit Police Department (DPD) ($232,000): The city of Detroit covers 142.9 square miles, and the dumping of scrap tires is a significant issue. The grant has three goals: the first goal is to increase DPD’s capability to inspect tire shops independently of MDEQ; the second goal is to continue implementation of preventative measures by purchasing and installing cameras at known dumping locations; the third goal is to prevent future dumping by raising awareness in the tire industry, scrap tire haulers and the community.
- City of Mackinaw Island ($61,772): Funds will be used for the development of a closed loop system for collecting, processing and utilizing waste glass generated on Mackinaw Island as aggregate for use in road repairs, in conjunction with scrap tire rubber material containing GreenDeck Repair Solution (Renewable Infrastructure Solutions, LLC). GreenDeck material containing Michigan scrap tires and glass generated on Mackinaw Island will be utilized as aggregate to repair approximately 900 feet of Market Street and study how well it resists rutting.
- Cobalt Holdings, LLC ($491,250): Funds will be used for expansion and processing improvements; including; replacing a twenty-year-old shredder, adding a second shredder, installing a new rasper and upgrading a cracker mill. Processing is estimated to increase monthly by 25 to 35 percent with these improvements.
- Entech, Inc. ($1,237,561): Funds will be used for installation of two tire shredding systems and auxiliary equipment to process high wire chips. The chips will be processed into wire, tire derived fuel (TDF) chips and crumb rubber. Wire recovered from this process will be melted and sold as ingots to foundries in Michigan and other midwestern states. The facility estimates annual capacity of 50,000 to 70,000 tons of wire/chip production (50,000 tons would be equivalent to approximately 4.5 million passenger car tires).
- Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority (MCWMA) ($202,296): Funds will be used for the installation of two tire shredders. MCWMA is centrally located in the Upper Peninsula and is a licensed solid waste disposal facility. Scrap tires will be processed and utilized as daily cover at the landfill. Additional market opportunities for processed tire material will also be explored.
- Kent County Road Commission ($241,876): This will fund a project utilizing advanced surface-treated ground tire rubber-modified asphalt to be done in conjunction with Michigan Technological University. The project will be paving Cascade Road from Burton Street to 28th Street (Cascade Township), equating to 0.5 miles with a width of 60 feet. Half of the project will utilize polymer-modified asphalt emulsion to be compared with the half that will utilize emulsified rubber. The project will use more than 3200 scrap tires.
- Scrap Tire Market Development Study ($50,000): A Request for Proposals will be offered to secure third-party development of a scrap tire market study. The purpose of this study is to help determine where future Market Development Grant funds are best directed to develop scrap tire commodity markets other than TDF, and ensure the continuing success of the Scrap Tire Regulatory Program.
For more information about Michigan’s Scrap Tire Program, visit