The Michigan Sustainable Business Initiative (MiSBI), a collaborative of the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), SMSBF, the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum (WMSBF) and the People First Economy, is seeking candidates for its Statewide Coordinator Role.
Nothing happens in a vacuum. The present, neo-liberal system of economics didn’t occur on its own: It evolved over many years and relies on policy that favors the “maximize shareholder value” model of business. To change this system to one that is sustainable, triple bottom line, local, diverse and resilient will take progressive business policy. And this is what the MiSBI seeks to do: challenge the status quo.
The State Coordinator will fulfill a field role, one that is key to building relationships inside the state capitol. The Coordinator will contribute to building the MiSBI strategy and implement its tactics, listen for and build relationships with progressive state policymakers and coordinate activities leading toward the adoption of progressive business policy.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity to challenge the status quo, please click here to access and read the job description for this important role.
Michigan Statewide Coordinator Job Description (1)