A ransomware attack involves the introduction of malware that locks user access to their system or files, along with a demand for a ransom payment to unlock the system or files.
On July 11, 2019, the United States Conference of Mayors, representing more than 1,400 cities with populations over 30,000, unanimously passed a resolution to no longer pay ransomware demands. The resolution provides that ”[a]t least 170 county, city or state government systems have experienced a ransomware attack since 2013” and “22 of those attacks have occurred in 2019 alone, including the cities of Baltimore and Albany and the counties of Fisher, Texas and Genesee, Michigan”.
The resolution concludes that ”NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the United States Conference of Mayors stands united against paying ransoms in the event of an IT security breach”.
Access the resolution here. Contact us at Ossian Law regarding any information technology law question.