Join us for MEECA’s Annual Membership Meeting
3:00-7:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This month MEECA members and guests will gather for the annual membership meeting. The program—sponsored by Development Solutions Midwest—will feature a conversation with MPSC Chairman Sally Talberg (tentative) and a case study of a nearby PACE project. Members will also receive a brief organizational report and learn results of the board election.
We will convene at the Michigan Environmental Council’s historic office located at 602 W. Ionia Ave. in downtown Lansing. After touring the PACE project site just down the block, attendees will head to Lansing Brewing Co. for networking until 7:00 p.m.
Be sure to register using this link. If you have questions, contact David Gard at or 517-896-2960.
Commercial Net Zero Energy Conference a Success!

On September 18th, MEECA co-hosted the conference “Reaching for Net Zero: Commercial Buildings in Michigan” in Detroit. More than one hundred people turned out to learn about techniques to achieve deep energy savings in both existing and new commercial buildings. This followed a similar conference in May that focused on residential net zero structures. It was also an opportunity to hear about updates to the Consumers Energy Zero Net Energy Pilot Program.
MEECA is grateful to co-hosts Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA), Michigan Geothermal Energy Association (MGEA), GreenHome Institute (GHI), and Detroit 2030 District. We also wish to recognize our members who served as panelists: Brett Little (GHI), Diana Nash (Energy Sciences), Walt Dindoffer (Development Solutions Midwest), Christian Koch (Lean & Green Michigan), Doug Elbinger, Ben Glendening and Annie Koch (Consumers Energy), Kirstin Policastro (E Three, Inc.), Diane Mills (Occupant Care), and Pat O’Boyle (Michigan Saves).
All signs point to continued growth in awareness and market demand for net zero design, building electrification, and distributed energy systems. Stay tuned for more programming on these emerging issues by MEECA and our partners!
Workforce Development
Need BPI Certified Energy Auditors?
MEECA member Walker-Miller Energy Services is hosting a career fair to place recent graduates of its BPI training program. The purpose is to introduce these BPI Certified Energy Auditors to potential employers. The event will take place at WMES headquarters at 8045 2nd Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202 during 4:00-7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
Please use this link or call 313-366-8535 ext. 108 to RSVP. Direct any questions to the same phone number.
In partnership with the United Way of Southeast Michigan, WMES trained 30 people who have now passed the written Building Performance Institute’s Building Analyst certification exam, and are in the process of completing the certification requirement. Come meet these candidates who are eager to jump start a career in the energy efficiency industry!
MEWDC Strategic Planning
On October 8th, MEECA Executive Director David Gard will participate in a strategic planning session of the Michigan Energy Workforce Development Consortium (MEWDC). If you have ideas for how MEWDC can support MEECA members next year, contact him at 517-896-2960 or
SBAM Small Business Corner
MEECA members can take advantage of SBAM membership benefits at no additional cost. Check out these updates from the small business experts at SBAM:
The Final Wage and Hour Exempt Regulations are Published
Improve your business with tips from the FedEx® Small Business Center
Conferences—Worth More Than a Day Out of the Office
Public Policy Update
Statewide Energy Assessment
The MPSC has released its much anticipated Statewide Energy Assessment. The report was requested by Gov. Whitmer after a fire at Consumers Energy’s Ray Compressor Station disrupted natural gas service during the polar vortex last winter. As expected, energy efficiency was identified as a key resource option for increasing grid reliability and resiliency.
Listen to an interview with MPSC Chairman Sally Talberg on Michigan Radio about the report.
Value-Added Products and Services (VAPS)
MPSC issued an order to develop an official website for sharing utility customer information made available to unregulated affiliates, as required by Michigan statute. For several years MEECA has advocated on behalf of our members for measures that enable proper oversight of VAPS programs in a competitive marketplace. Until the website is operational, contractors requesting customer information can use this online form (made available by the Michigan Air Conditioning Contractors Association).
Click here to access a related report by MPSC Staff on Code of Conduct Rule 9.
Industry News
Michigan ranks eighth-highest in the nation in the number of energy efficiency jobs. According to a report from Environmental Entrepreneurs, employment in this sector of Michigan’s economy grew nearly 3 percent in 2018.
Traverse City commissioners consider on-bill financing for customers of Traverse City Light & Power to invest in home energy improvements. A similar program is already available to customers of the Holland Board of Public Works, which enrolled its 100th program participant in July.
DTE Energy has announced its commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. According to the company’s news release, “achieving carbon neutrality will require further advancements in technology, such as carbon capture, large-scale storage, and modular nuclear facilities.”
San Jose, CA has become the largest city so far to ban natural gas in new residential buildings. The ban in the nation’s tenth most populous city will take effect next year. The vote by city council was unanimous.
A new report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) concludes that energy efficiency can slash U.S. energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050.