The state’s MI Prevention community risk reduction program has provided 1,000 carbon monoxide (CO) detectors for an installation blitz going on now in the city of Detroit — through early August. Families are urged to protect themselves from CO, a silent killer. To register for an in-home safety assessment, Detroit City residents can leave a message at (248) 906-8026.
“It is encouraging to see community leaders work to increase safety and health awareness for children and families,” said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. “This first-of-its-kind collaboration in the city of Detroit showcases the power of partnerships to help protect our residents. I urge all Michiganders to become more aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide and to equip their homes with alarms to keep their families safe.”
MI Prevention joins with the AmeriCorps Urban Safety Project (AMUS) at Wayne State University and the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA) on this initiative — Detroit Puts Safety and Service into Action.
In Michigan, approximately 650 people are poisoned by carbon monoxide every year. According to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, carbon monoxide is the #1 source of injury, outpacing car crashes during the winter and spring months. Home poisonings account for 73 percent of all CO poisonings, followed by the workplace. Appliances (particularly stoves, furnaces, grills, gas ranges, water heaters and clothes dryers), gas-powered yard tools, vehicles and generators, all produce carbon monoxide poisoning. Long-term exposure to CO from leaks in these items can cause chronic, ongoing flu-like symptoms, fatigue, digestive distress, memory issues, depression, asthma, and seizures. More than one-third of CO-related deaths occur when the victim is asleep. “Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, tasteless and toxic gas — making it extremely difficult to detect. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Having CO detectors in your home is essential to preventing CO poisonings and deaths,” said State Fire Marshal Kevin Sehlmeyer. “On behalf of MI Prevention, we’re excited to partner on this vital and ambitious carbon monoxide detector installation program in the city of Detroit.” One of the main goals of the AMUS youth program is to increase safety and health awareness for residents by going door-to-door to identify families and homes where children and families face serious health and safety hazards. In these home visits they will screen for 15 hazards including asthma risks, fire hazards and vulnerability to break-ins and burglary. The youth are able to intervene immediately by installing “quick fixes” such as deadbolt locks, window alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These home safety assessments will help influence health and safety outcomes particularly for Detroit’s children. “This summer we are coming together to serve and are making a difference in the lives of Detroit residents,” said AMUS Program Director Lisa Carter. “A resourceful way to meet local needs, volunteer service is a powerful tool that builds strong communities. We are putting the core American principles of healthy housing and service into action.” AMUS at Wayne State University’s Center for Urban Studies works to promote safety and community in Detroit. It is a joint endeavor of AmeriCorps, the Corporation for National Community Service, Detroit Public Schools, the Michigan Community Service Commission and the Skillman Foundation. AMUS engages 150 AmeriCorps members a year to support the reduction of crime and increased public health and safety for Detroit residents, especially its children and youth. To learn more, go to: http://www.amusdetroit.org/urban-safety/ MI Prevention – a statewide fire safety campaign through the State Fire Marshal, the Bureau of Fire Services and Michigan’s fire safety organizations – is currently working to reduce the high number of fire deaths, injuries and property loss in Michigan. In order to protect the health and safety of high-risk populations in targeted areas, MI Prevention is installing 21,384 smoke alarms and 6,455 carbon monoxide alarms in homes free of charge and educating consumers on safety practices. Consumers can find more resources and safety information at the MI Prevention website: www.michigan.gov/miprevention. “We are excited to partner with MI Prevention and AMUS on this exciting carbon monoxide prevention initiative,” said Charon McNabb, president of the NCOAA. “Properly installed and working CO detectors in every home is an important step in carbon monoxide poisoning prevention.”NCOAA is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to reducing carbon monoxide poisonings. NCOAA partners with likeminded health and safety focused organizations to drive change and improve carbon monoxide detection, treatment, legislation and standards throughout America. To learn more, go to: https://www.ncoaa.us/ |