EFFECTIVE: November 23, 2020
The Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County (RRRASOC) has been informed by Simple Recycling that they will be suspending their bagged clothing collection services, effective November 23, 2020, due to health, safety, and business concerns related to COVID-19. This suspension affects all nine RRRASOC member communities; Farmington, Farmington Hills, Milford, Milford Township, Novi, South Lyon, Southfield, Walled Lake, and Wixom.
At this time and the because of the fluidity of this situation, it is difficult to say when these services will resume. RRRASOC would like to encourage you to check with your local thrift stores, missions, and places of worship to see if donations are being accepted at this time and to consider if your items can be reused and/or repurposed, check out http://www.rrrasoc.org/recycling/reuse-repurpose/ for more information.
Continued updates will be posted to the RRRASOC website, on the “Recycling Authority” Facebook page and via press releases. Subscribe to our eNewsletter for information regarding recycling, program updates and to check out additional resources at www.rrrasoc.org or by calling 248-208-2270.