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Synergy Leaders is building momentum, creating “green” partnerships and expanding the green economy in Southeast Michigan.
Oakland County Employment Diversity Council (OCEDC) held its 11th Annual Workplace Diversity Forum: Women in Leadership Summit on March 28, 2013 at Oakland Schools Conference Center located in Waterford, MI. This forum celebrates the influence of women: “our voices and our victories”. R. Frank Russell, Oakland County Employment Diversity Council Chairperson awards John Carlos from […], a green informational and educational portal is celebrating its third anniversary as the “Big Green Umbrella,” for metro Detroit.
The Energy Innovation Business Council is a coalition of major businesses in Michigan’s exciting clean, renewable energy sector.
John Carlos of explains why Michigan’s Prop 3 renewable energy ballot initiative will help create jobs. Customer Appreciation Day Party June 2012
On Thursday, May 10th, 2012, The Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Administration Office, held a meeting at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, #401, 2 Woodward Avenue.
Compassion. Conviction. Concern with things beyond their front door. All these words describe Michigan’s greenest companies.
Congratulations to our partner,, on their selection as a 2011 Green Industry Innovator by Corp! magazine.
First… I’d like to recognize John Carlos of for a special award that we received together last week at Davenport University in Grand Rapids Michigan. It was an honor to share the stage with John and be recognized as one of the 101 Best and Brightest Sustainable Companies in Michigan by Corp Magazine, The Grand […] among other companies will be awarded and recognized on April 18th, 2012 for having demonstrated the unique efforts and leadership skills in “Green Initiatives”.
About 40 Michigan companies, ranging from giant office furniture companies to neighborhood brew-pubs, will be honored next month for their efforts in achieving sustainability and leadership in green initiatives. is creating partnerships for doing business in a “green way.” It was started two years ago by John Carlos, executive director. Not just a website, Carlos explains that it’s an informational portal of synergies and opportunities as well.
The Michigan Economic Growth Association approved $4 million in brownfield credits for the Detroit incinerator.
Five TechTown companies received accolades at the 2011 DiSciTech science and technology awards hosted by Corp! Magazine on January 25 in Troy. The awards ceremony drew a large crowd of entrepreneurs who were congratulated on their outstanding achievements in science, technology and digital business innovation.
Going green has become more than doing the right thing for the environment — it has also become the right thing for business success. Corp! magazine has once again provided a forum to recognize companies that have made sustainable practices a business strategy that also results in profitability.
This can serve as a guide for businesses as a place to prepare for green trends that will continue throughout the coming year.
We’re doing a lot in the State of Michigan these days to bring manufacturers of wind turbines, solar panels, etc. to our state, as well as helping to expand the purview of the existing manufacturers who are doing such a good job here so we can do more to save natural resources with renewable energy.
Program Chair Bill Connors, introduced the guest speaker of the morning, John Carlos. John is a native of Birmingham and is the former liaison for the United States Green Building Council. Mr. Carlos began about two years ago. “ is an online directory and informational / educational portal designed for Metro Detroit, providing sustainable solutions, products and […]
Birmingham’s Covington School has cut the ribbon on a new wind turbine that will serve as not only an alternative energy generator but an education tool.