Hosted by CEDAM, (the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan), some of the largest community development organizations in Detroit gathered at Techtown to meet, greet and learn what’s in store for the Michigan State Housing Development Authority from its new Executive Director, Kevin Elsenheimer. The event was sponsored by the Community Development Advocates of Detroit (CDAD) and held at their Headquarters.
“Working the Room”
The conference room was packed with non-profit development professionals, government housing officials, job creation professionals, bankers and others interested in moving clean, safe and sustainable housing solutions forward in the metro Detroit area. Upon Mr. Elsenhimers’ arrival, he immediately initiated conversations and greetings both to old friends and new acquaintances with the confidence and comfort of an old politician. Looks like the new ED position for Mr. Elsenheimer isn’t that far removed from his prior positions as an attorney and former legislator in that he is amongst those he commonly interfaces with on a regular basis and is seemingly already comfortable in his new role. The new Executive Director showed great patience and class in meeting and speaking with so many of those in the room.
Catalyst for More Housing Solutions for Michigan Residents
With barely three months on the job, Mr. Elsenheimer seems to have a fairly good grasp of the organization, his role within it, and present expectations and goals for the organization moving forward. This reporter was impressed with the new Executive Directors’ responses in that he didn’t “take over” the new position, clean house and install his own people into the organization to dictate his own agenda from the outset. He’s taking a considerable period of time to learn the “ins and outs” of the organization and fine tune what he perceives to be an organization that is mostly hitting the right chords with its short and long term objectives. Yet, the new Executive Director appeared ready to “steer the ship” in a more productive direction if future circumstances mitigated a stronger leadership role to navigate rougher waters ahead.
The new Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) Executive Director and his team should be lauded for taking a progressive role in traveling throughout the state to meet with other housing development professionals and stakeholder to learn of their successes and frustrations. It’s time consuming, thankless and often challenging conversations that arise which Mr. Elsenheimer has to deal with at such meetings. However, these events with other housing organizations and professionals around the state will suit both the new Executive Director and his entire organization well as they take future action to further advance safe, affordable, clean, attractive and sustainable housing across the State of Michigan. Wishing the MSHDA organization well and hoping they can fulfill their mission to the people of this great state.
ROBERT E. MATTLER is Managing Director for PACE-Equity in Michigan. He speaks, writes and reports about emerging green real estate and development issues in Michigan and elsewhere. Bob is a senior correspondent for For more information, contact Bob at PACE-Equity (248) 762-4370; or by e-mail: