ARISE Detroit! will host a first-of-its-kind spotlight on Detroit neighborhoods in a new exhibit called “Neighborhoods Rising” from April 22 through June 18 at the Detroit Historical Museum. Sponsored by The DTE Energy Foundation, the exhibit will focus on the neighborhood people and programs that have partnered with ARISE Detroit! since the community mobilization nonprofit began in 2006.
“We’re proud to support this exhibit and further showcase the heart and spirit of Detroit, which lies within the neighborhoods, and the passion and pride of its residents,” said Faye Nelson, vice president at DTE Energy and board chair and president for the DTE Energy Foundation. “Thriving communities begin by building safer, more inviting and commercially viable neighborhoods to improve the quality of life for residents, and the DTE Energy Foundation is committed to helping communities succeed.”
The new exhibit will feature more than 100 photos, video and audio displays, a neighborhood cityscape, and dozens of artifacts that have been part of the annual ARISE Detroit! Neighborhoods Day, the Neighborhood Summit, and other activities.
“We hope this exhibit, much like when we started Neighborhoods Day, will be a landmark in getting people to look at our neighborhoods and residents in a positive light,” said Luther Keith, ARISE Detroit! executive director. “Many of our neighborhood residents are going to be pleasantly surprised when they see themselves in the exhibit. This is truly an exhibit for and by the people.”
ARISE Detroit! will host a special Community Day public unveiling of the exhibit on April 22 from noon to 5 p.m.
Though it will touch on some history, the exhibit is not meant to be a complete historical document of city neighborhoods, but rather a look at the remarkable energy residents have poured into improving their neighborhoods over the last decade.
“You’ll be able to walk through 10 years of Neighborhoods Day,” Keith said. “We think people will be inspired and motivated, hopefully enough to get involved and join with us to continue to push the city forward in a positive direction.”
Photos will include a wide of array of Neighborhoods Day activities, including numerous festivals, concerts, cleanup and home build projects, back to school events, urban gardening and much more.
“There’s a lot of talk about what is going on in the neighborhoods,” Keith said. “Through the Neighborhoods Rising exhibit, we hope people will see and appreciate the neighborhood heroes who are the bedrock of our city.”
There is no admission charge to view the exhibit. The museum is located at 5401 Woodward, Detroit, 48202. Phone: 313-833-7935.
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