Friends School in Detroit
School’s Mission
Friends was initiated by the Society of Friends in the 1960’s after Judge Wade McCree Sr.’s daughter was denied entrance to University Liggett School due to the color of her skin. Since then Friends has been working hard to infuse Quaker values into their curriculum and doing a great job at it. Adding to our rigorous, but meaningful curriculum, Friends teaches Human Rights, Community Service, and now, Green classes to every student. Friends upholds diversity, community, love, kindness, tolerance, conflict resolution, and many other values that fall by the wayside in traditional schools. Friend is a Pre-K – 8th grade private school.
Friends School in Detroit has a curriculum that infuses human rights, community service, and sustainability. Currently we are working on the “Petunia for Peace” project which will plant 70,000-100,000 petunias in Lafayette Park. In addition, we recycle and teach our students how to be proactive in the community on “green” initiatives. Our classes teach students how to farm, compost, and build water saving habits.