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Whether they benefit the environment, children, communities, or any group or people in special need of assistance, our growing collection of non-profit organizations make a difference. Successful NPOs not only directly benefit a diverse collection of our citizens, but though recycling, deconstruction, training, and other environmental initiatives, they augment the quality of life for us all.

Discover the multitude of services available to you from local non-profit organizations. These organizations truly support our communities by bringing services to us to assist with recycling, deconstruction, training, environmental initiatives, and much, much more. You will be amazed at the involvement in our greener future by these organizations.
Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living
Through individualized counseling, advocacy efforts, skill-building classes, recreation, gardening andarts programming, and more, we help individuals with disabilities to build their skills, advocate for what they need, find friends, and feel at home.

American Wind Energy Association American Wind Energy Association
Promotes wind power growth through advocacy, communication, and education.

Architechtural Salvage Warehouse of Detroit Logo Architectural Salvage Warehouse of Detroit
Provides jobs and job training in deconstruction and recycling. .

Arts & Scraps
Arts & Scraps uses recycled materials to help people of all ages and abilities think, create and learn.

Automation Alley Logo Automation Alley
Drives the growth and image of Southeast Michigan’s economy through a collaborative culture that focuses on workforce and business development initiatives.

CARE of Southeastern Michigan CARE of Southeastern Michigan
CARE’s mission is to educate, link and support individuals, families, businesses and communities affected by family concerns, workplace challenges, mental health conditions and the misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Cass Community Social Services
Cass’ Green Industries currently include a mud mat program, shredding and recycling and a One Cup Car Wash.

Delco Delo Neighborhood Community Services
To serve the community in preparing meals for adults and children while collaborating with other organizations to assist in feeding the hunger, To provide life coaching skills to those individuals that have had drug abuse, and want to help themselves in remaining sober and looking for legitimate work/education to better support themselves.

Detroit Chinese Business Association Detroit Chinese Business Association

DCBA(Detroit Chinese Business Association) is a Michigan based non-profit organization focus on developing and promoting US-China business, trades and exchange. Founded in 1995, DCBA has decades of history for connecting Chinese and US companies to work together and form reciprocal relationship for mutual achievement.

Clean Energy Coalition
Clean Energy Coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting clean energy technologies as a way to create healthier, energy independent communities.

Corn Marketing Program of Michigan Logo Corn Marketing Program of Michigan
Works to showcase environmentally-friendly corn-based products that can be used as substitutes for petroleum-based products.

Detroit Audubon Society Detroit Audubon Society Detroit Audubon Society is a member-based nonprofit organization of diverse individuals and families who share an enjoyment of and an appreciation for birds and the environment. Founded in 1939, Detroit Audubon is a leader in community education, bird conservation, and wildlife and environmental advocacy.

Detroit Area Green Sector Skills Alliance ((GSSA)Detroit Area GSSA has the dual focus of helping green related businesses grow and creating job opportunities and career pathways for workers.

Detroit ASHRAE Logo Detroit Chapter of ASHRAE
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers advances technology to serve humanity and promotes a sustainable world.

Detroit Regional Workforce Fund
The Detroit Regional Workforce Fund works to connect low-skilled, low-income workers to career pathways that lead to middle-skill jobs which require some postsecondary training beyond high school and generally pay family sustaining wages.

DWEJ Logo Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
Empower individuals, communities, and community organizations in Southeast Michigan to educate, advocate and organize for cleaner, healthier communities and environments.

Detroit Youth Energy Squad
The Detroit Youth Energy Squad (D-YES) empowers individuals, especially youth, to make homes more energy efficient and become leaders in Michigan’s green economy.

Disabled American Veterans Thrift Disabled American Veterans Thrift
We are dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them.

DNR Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.

The Ecology Center
The Ecology Center is a Michigan based non-profit environmental organization that works at the local, state and national levels for clean production, healthy communities, environmental justice and a sustainable future.

EcoTuesdayLogo EcoTuesday
Provides professional networking opportunities for companies and individuals engaged in environmental and sustainability focused activities.

Eight Mile Boulevard Association
The Eight Mile Boulevard Association revitalizes and promotes the Eight Mile transportation, business and residential corridor by linking the efforts of the public and private sectors.

Energy Works Michigan Energy Works Michigan
To build a sustainable, equitable, and prosperous energy future in Michigan.

ESD Logo The Engineering Society of Detroit
Promotes and celebrates excellence, innovation, cooperation, professional growth and fellowship in the engineering, scientific and allied professions.

AE ETA Logo ETA International
ETA is a not-for-profit, professional association committed to providing accredited certifications that meet industry standards.

Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce
The Ferndale Area Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, member-driven organization with a membership base of more than 300 businesses ranging from sole proprietorships to the local offices of Fortune 500 companies, both from within Ferndale, Oak Park, and other surrounding communities.

First Responders for Fitness
FR4F is a charitable 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity for federal, state/provincial, & municipal law enforcement, fire/medic, nurse, & lifeguard personnel (public/private, paid/volunteer & active/reserve/retirees).

Freshwater Future
Freshwater Future helps people protect our Great Lakes. For 15 years, we have worked to build effective community-based citizen action to protect and restore the water quality of the Great Lakes Basin.

GD Vendor logo Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit
Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit

Please celebrate the ultimate in recycling, that of saving a life through rescued animal adoption.

Friends of Milwaukee Junction
Friends of Milwaukee Junction is part historical society, part historic preservation group, and part economic development office.

Friends of the Rouge Friends of the Rouge
Our mission is to promote restoration and stewardship of the Rouge River ecosystem through education, citizen involvement and other collaborative efforts, for the purpose of improving the quality of life for the people, plants, and animals of the watershed.

(G.R.E.A.T.) Grass Roots Environmental Action Team Foundation Grass Roots Environmental Action Team Foundation
(G.R.E.A.T.) Foundation is formed to empower and educate individuals, communities and community organizations, to advocate, create awareness, and to provide disaster relief, restoration, and mentorship in an effort to produce cleaner, healthier communities and sustainable environments, to protect and improve the health, quality of life and well-being of individuals in our communities.


GLREA Logo Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association
The Mission of GLREA is to increase the mainstream use of renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy practices.

GreenHome Institute (Alliance for Environmental Sustainability)
Providing sustainable building education and consulting to the general public and building industry.

Goodwill Industries Logo Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit
Providing training for entry level positions to multiple populations including but not inclusive to young minority males 16-30 years of age, returning citizens, low income and underemployed.

20091111OrganizationGreenBuiltMichiganLogo Green Built Michigan Inc.
Advances sustainability in the residential building industry. Green Built exists to provide resources to the building industry and the public to renovate and create sustainable homes.

Green For All Logo Green For All
Dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through a clean energy economy.

Green Living Science (GLS) Green Living Science (GLS)
We build awareness of and passion for the environment through education and service. So Detroit and southeastern Michigan can become cleaner, healthier and more sustainable communities.

Green Place Detroit Logo Green Place Detroit
Inspires educational excellence and the transformation of a green Detroit by building a house out of recycled, sustainable materials.

Habitat for Humanity Detroit Logo Habitat for Humanity Detroit
In partnership with God and families in need of adequate housing, brings together people from all walks of life to revitalize Detroit neighborhoods through the construction of decent, affordable homes.

Healthy Environements Partnership (HEP)
We use a community-based participatory research approach to conduct research that leads to a better understanding of the relationship between the environment and cardiovascular disease, and to develop, implement and evaluate interventions designed to improve the heart health of Detroit neighborhoods.

Healthy Traditions Network Healthy Traditions Network
Healthy Traditions Network is the Metro Detroit Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. We are a unique, non-profit organization connecting like-minded people and communities to local sources of nutrient-rich foods…foods that nourish and support our bodies as we in turn support our local farmers and economies.

Holistic Chamber of Commerce Holistic Chamber of Commerce
We are a local chapter of the national organization of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (HCC).
Our mission here in Oakland County is to create a local chapter, through education and awareness, to bring together businesses and industries that are not typically viewed as holistic, with the more commonly expected fields of health, well-being and environmental awareness.

Hospice Angels Foundation Hospice Angels Foundation
Active in Michigan since 2004, Hospice Angels operates unique programs that provides financial and emotional support to terminally ill individuals and promotes healthy grieving for families.

H.Y.P.E. Athletics
This is our belief, our drive, and determination to stay straight in line on our promise; to bring good health, safety, tolerance and the highest of standards to the many communities serviced by HYPE Athletics Community.

IEEE Power & Energy Society
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Ingham Conservation District
The Ingham Conservation District promotes and practices stewardship of our natural resources by providing personalized assistance and guidance to meet local concerns.

Isha Foundation
Isha Foundation is a volunteer-run, nonprofit dedicated to cultivating human potential. Through powerful yoga programs and inspiring social projects, Isha has worldwide recognition and consultative status with the United Nations.

20100412_Non-Profit_JARC_LOGO JARC
Dedicated to enriching the lives of men, women and children with disabilities.

Just Speak Incorporated Just Speak, Inc.
Just Speak, Incorporated is committed to empowering every young survivor of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, and emotional/physical abuse within a safe space to share stories and collaborate in a way that leads to their involvement in the community as advocates.

Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities
Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities (LAHC)
The mission of the LAHC is to promote the educational, cultural, health and social affairs of the community.

legacy-logo Legacy Land Conservancy
Legacy’s mission is to secure for current and future generations a land base for nature, agriculture, fresh water and recreation in Washtenaw and Jackson Counties and beyond.

Leslie Science and Nature Center Logo Leslie Science and Nature Center
Provides environmental education and experiences for children, families, and other individuals to honor and perpetuate the legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Leslie.

Livonia Chamber of Commerce Livonia Chamber of Commerce
Provides information, marketing, networking, and advocacy programs that promote the Chamber’s 900 members and the entire Livonia community.

Michigan Aerospace Manufacturing Association (MAMA) Michigan Aerospace Manufacturing Association (MAMA)
The mission of the Michigan Aerospace Manufacturers Association (“MAMA”) is to: serve and represent the interests of Michigan’s aerospace and defense manufacturing firms with a single unified voice.

Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education
The Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) is Michigan’s key professional organization for both formal and non-formal educators working in the fields of environmental education and outdoor education.The mission of MAEOE is to serve as the statewide network and advocate for professionals who are educating Michigan citizens toward environmental literacy, stewardship and outdoor recreation.

McKinney Foundation
The McKinney Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Our core focus is to address educational equity as it relates to ensuring ‘access and opportunity’ to quality programs in the areas of Health, Entrepreneurship and Environmental Responsibility.

The Michigan Energy Efficiency Network (MichEEN) is an online community that helps local government, schools, businesses, and citizens save time, money, and effort related to the efficient use of energy.

Michigan Apollo Alliance
The Michigan Apollo Alliance brings together a diverse coalition of interests from the business, environmental, labor and community perspectives who are working together to promote quality jobs and a cleaner, more secure energy future for Michigan.

Michigan Businesses for Clean Energy
MBCE is a network of businesses and business leaders representing a broad range of industry and commercial sectors in Michigan’s economy. We know that clean energy is the key to moving Michigan forward.

Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.

Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association (MEECA) Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association (MEECA)
MEECA was created to serve our core members: companies that design, install or evaluate energy efficiency solutions in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

Michigan Electric Automobile Association Logo Michigan Electric Auto Association
Introduces the public to electric vehicles and associated equipment so that this green transportation can be adopted sooner and at the same time, help reduce carbon emissions and dependence on foreign oil.

Michigan Energy Options
For more than 30 years, Michigan Energy Options (formerly Urban and Northern Options) has helped more than a million people in Michigan conserve energy, save money, adopt renewable energy, reduce greenhouse gases and lead more sustainable lives.

The Michigan Green Schools
The Michigan Green Schools Program encourages public and private schools to participate in environmentally friendly and energy savings activities.

Michigan Humane Society
The Michigan Humane Society is the largest and oldest humane organization in the state, serving the animals since 1877.

Michigan Interfaith Power & Light
Mi-IPL is a coalition of congregations and their partners across the State of Michigan whose mission is to “involve communities of faith as stewards of the Earth by promoting and implementing energy efficiency, renewable energy and related sustainable practices”.

Michigan Israel Business Bridge
MIBB facilitates business and investment opportunities between Michigan and Israel for mutual economic benefit.

Michigan Recycling Coalition Michigan Recycling Coalition
Fosters environmental conservation through sustainable materials use and recovery, waste recycling, recycling, composting, and green purchasing.

Metro Matters Metro Matters
The Michigan Suburbs Alliance unites and strengthens metropolitan Detroit’s mature suburbs by elevating regional cooperation, reforming public policies and innovating redevelopment strategies.

Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance
MTGA is a non-profit organization that shall foster and facilitate the creation of an interconnected statewide system of trails and greenways for recreation, health, transportation, economic development and environmental/cultural preservation purposes.

Michigan Young Farmer Coalition
The Michigan Young Farmer Coalition is a statewide not-for-profit organization working to empower Michigan communities through viable agricultural stewardship.

mi rain barrel MI Rain Barrel
MI Rain Barrel or “mirainbarrel” (my-rain-barrel) is an offshoot of “Maxi Container”. We started out as an ordinary company … but now, we love Rain Barrels and Composting, so we had to create a new website dedicated to just that!

Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) is a collaborative network advancing energy efficiency in the Midwest to support sustainable economic development and environmental preservation.

Mobile Technology Association of Michigan
The Mobile Technology Association of Michigan (MTAM) is a trade association for anyone interested in, or working in, Michigan’s mobile technology industry.

Motor City Free Greek
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the repair and distribution of computers, responsible recycling of electronic waste, and teaching of open source software.

NAMI Michigan NAMI Michigan
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families. We have 20 affiliate locations throughout Michigan.

National Wild Life Federation Logo National Wildlife Federation
Inspires Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future.

NextEnergy Center
Our staff is passionately committed to the acceleration of advanced energy technologies which reduce our dependance on fossil fuels, diversify our economy, and strengthen our environment.

Peace, Love & Planet
To achieve meaningful reductions in non-sustainable resource utilization through promotion of environmental awareness.

Pet-A-Pet Club, Inc.
The Pet-A-Pet Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization. Members of the Pet-A-Pet Club commit themselves to encouraging the human-animal bond by educating the public regarding the health benefits of exposure to animals.

Planet Aid Planet Aid
Planet Aid is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that collects and recycles used clothing and shoes to protect the environment and support sustainable development in impoverished communities around the world.

Plant Based Nutrition Support Group Plant Based Nutrition Support Group
We are a support group for people looking to live a healthier lifestyle through the use of Plant Based Nutrition.

Pontiac Regional Chamber Pontiac Regional Chamber
The PRC is a membership-driven organization and it unites businesses, government, education system, philanthropy, health care, and community organizations creating a central agency which lends to improving and building a better community.

RadTech – The Association for UV & EB Technologies
RadTech serves as an educational forum for the advancement of our environmentally responsible, energy savings technology. We offer free student memberships, as well as scholarship competitions.

Recovery Park Logo RecoveryPark
Drives sustainable neighborhood economic recovery based on agri-business.

20091014OrganizationRecycleLivingsonLogo Recycle Livingston
Promotes recycling and waste reduction by operating an independent, non-profit site for collecting, sorting, consolidating and transporting recyclables.

Recycled Treasures Logo Recycled Treasures
Provides low cost second hand furniture to the community… and saves usable things from the land fill!

Red Planet Bike Collective
Our mission is to mobilize the Seven Mile and Woodward area by providing access to donated bikes, tools and parts, and teach bicycle repair.

Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Foundation (RETAF) Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Foundation (RETAF)
The Michigan Retired Engineer Technical Assistance Program (RETAP) provides onsite pollution prevention, water conservation, and energy conservation assessments to businesses (with 500 or fewer full-time employees in Michigan) and institutions of any size.

Rivertown Detroit Association
The Rivertown Detroit Association is made up of business owners, residents and interested individuals who are focused on making Rivertown Detroit better for all.

Rosedale Recycles Logo Rosedale Recycles
Provides a monthly drop-off site. Started in 1990, their long-term goal has been for all Detroit to have a comprehensive recycling program.

Royal Oak Community Coalition Royal Oak Community Coalition
The ROCC is a grass roots 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to reduce substance abuse by strengthening and sustaining a safe and healthy environment for those who live, work and visit Royal Oak.

Sexual Assault Services for Holistic Healing and Awareness Center provides peer support groups, prevention and advocacy to raise awareness of the negative impact of sexual assault in Detroit, an African American community.

Forums are places where ideas and views are exchanged and discussed – they’re market places for ideas. SMSBF is a forum where the most important topic of our time — sustainability — is opened-up and stakeholders discover what it takes to run sustainable businesses.

The Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers The Secret Society of Twisted Storytellers
The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers Ⓡ is a non-profit organization with a global mission and purpose to connect humanity, heal and transform community and provide an uplifting, thought-provoking, soul-cleansing entertainment experience that is unique through the art and craft of storytelling.

SER Metro-Detroit
SER Metro-Detroit, Jobs for Progress, Inc. is a multi-service community-based corporation of recognized competence, demonstrated effectiveness, and well established history of 40 years, providing effective educational training and employment programs, activities and associated services for residents and employers of Metropolitan Detroit.

Seven Pounds Nature Center
Seven Ponds Nature Center serves Southeast Michigan as a sanctuary for native plants and animals, an environmental education center, and a peaceful retreat for its visitors.

Socrra Logo SOCRRA
Community partners in recycling and waste.

S.O.U.L., was established to serve those in need. The organization is Farmington based serving the local and neighboring communities.

We’re building energy democracy in Highland Park and our neighboring communities with education, organizing, and community-owned clean energy.

SMLC Logo Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy
Conserves natural land and open space to provide habitat for wildlife and to enrich the lives of people throughout Southeast Michigan.

Southeast Michigan Regional Energy Office
Establishes a regional energy office to connect Metropolitan Detroit cities with the tools to pursue efficiency improvements, reduce energy and convert to renewable sources.

Southeast Michigan Resource Conservation & Development Council
We strive to help the people of Southeast Michigan take better care of their natural resources and better utilize the services of local, state and federal agencies, while improving their community’s economy, environment and quality of life.

SWCRC-LOGO Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber
A member based organization committed to promoting the interest of our member businesses and enhancing the business climate in Michigan.

Southfield Area Chamber of Commerce Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision
While creating connections through networking opportunities, educational seminars, luncheons, industry specific events, community focused events and our abundant connections to resources – we help to build your business and develop our local economy.

Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision Logo Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision
To improve Southwest Detroit environmentally and economically. We do this primarily through community organizing, advocacy, education and redevelopment efforts.

Spaulding for Children Spaulding for Children
Spaulding for Children is a nationally recognized authority on adoption and foster care. The organization builds families through child placement in adoptive and foster homes, parental training and continued support of those families. Spaulding has placed, since its inception, more than 1,000 children in adoptive homes and has trained more than 200,000 persons nationwide.

Ss Peter and Paul Jesuit Church and Warming Center
Ss Peter and Paul Warming Center is an Ignatian mission of people in mutual service to and with our neighbors, many of who live on the street, and whose realities include addiction, grief, shame, fear, impoverishment, and/or mental impairment.

Ed Laing North SBS Strawbale Studio – Natural Buidling & Sustainable Skills
The Strawbale Studio is a building ~ and also a Program that offers “re-skilling” education in both traditional and evolving techniques ~ ranging from foraging wild food to roof thatching with Phragmites reed grass!

784-SUITS-FOR-SOLDIERS_400BY400_NO_OUTLINE Suits for Soldiers
Suits for Soldiers assists veterans and their family members and many stages of the post-military career. Suits for Soldiers helps with job clothing, jobs, resumes, housing, education and much more.

20100427_Non-Profit_SustainableDetroit_Logo Sustainable Detroit
Provides information, inspiration and networking for the Detroit sustainability movement since 2004.

Sustainable Water Works
Sustainable Water Works is a nonprofit organization building a network of collaborative partners committed to sustainable water public policy, innovative products and new businesses in Michigan.

Tech Town Logo TechTown
To build the best business incubator in the world.

The Birmingham Optimist Club The Birmingham Optimist Club
The Birmingham Optimist Club is a non-profit volunteer organization of service oriented civic minded men and women who represent a cross section of the Community.

The Community House Logo The Community House
Offers relevant programs and services to help people in the metropolitan area improve and enrich their lives.

The Dream Factory Detroit
The Dream Factory is a community and arts center whose mission is to become a provider of exciting cutting edge art and healthy living practices for members of its community and the surrounding areas.

The Isaiah Literacy Project The Isaiah Literacy Project
The Isaiah Project is a faith-based program whose mission is to mentor the youth of Detroit using innovative, results-based techniques to increase each student’s skills in the areas of reading, math, social studies, science and communications.

The Organization for Bat Conservation (OBC) The Organization for Bat Conservation (OBC)
The Organization for Bat Conservation (OBC) is an environmental education nonprofit dedicated to the protection of bats. Founded in 1992, OBC is committed to inspiring people to become active in the conservation movement.

The Philip House Mission The Philip House Mission
To provide a family-friendly home to those in need of emergency shelter, transitional and supportive permanent housing and all necessary resources to gain or re-gain mental, spiritual, financial and/or domestic stability.

Transition Saint Clair Shores
Transition Saint Clair Shores was inspired by the Global Transition Movement and seeks to build community resilience in the City of Saint Clair Shores and throughout the region by focusing on relocalization, sustainability and community.

TRU – Transportation Riders United
Transportation Riders United (TRU) is Detroit’s transit advocate.

U.N.I.T.Y (Uniting Neighborhoods and Inspiring Today’s Youth) is an organization designed to develop neighborhoods, with the goal of implementing cohesion and comradery into the community.

USGBC Logo U.S. Green Building Council
The U.S. Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation.

U.S. Green Building Council Detroit Regional Chapter
Our mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated in the greater Detroit region.

VegMichigan Logo VegMichigan
Promotes awareness of the health, environmental and ethical consequences of our food choices.

Wake Up Washtenaw
A citizen organization with a vision and a plan for sustainable, transit-oriented development in Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Wish Upon a Teen
Wish Upon a Teen designs hospital rooms for teenagers that are facing long term hospitalization due to serious illness and we host over 150 teens at our annual Wish Upon a Prom in Detroit.

Eco Works, previously the WARM Training Center
Promotes the development of resource efficient, affordable, healthy homes and communities through education, training and technical assistance.

Wigs 4 Kids
In June of 2010, Wigs 4 Kids opened a Wellness Center that utilizes cutting-edge green technology. In the construction phase natural materials were used.

Wild Ones, North Oakland Chapter
We are a very passionate group of individuals, dedicated to demonstrating the importance of native plants, biodiversity, and water quality.

World Medical Relief
Our mission is to facilitate the distribution of surplus medical resources where they are needed. As such, our programs have both a local and international focus.

YoungDetroitBuildersLogo Young Detroit Builders
Dedicated to assisting young adults in transforming their lives to produce positive outcomes.

Zero Waste Detroit
To move Detroit to a solid waste management system of intensive materials recovery, for the economic, health and environmental benefits therein.
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