Water News From Freshwater Future, September, 2018
Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash will present a water infrastructure literacy and jobs day at the Pontiac Public Library on Saturday, June 16, 2018 from 12 to 5pm. This event includes job opportunities and discussion on topics of water infrastructure, stormwater management, water quality, lakes and flooding, lead and copper, local projects and more. Call 218-858-1404 for more information.More
Imagine- A storm water infrastructure workforce development initiative that is financed on a performance basis and paid for out of savings.
Storm water has become one of the greatest economic challenges in our region and around the world. The traditional centralized approach to storm water management and building billions of dollars in infrastructure; is no longer a sustainable model. The future of storm water is in decentralized management and enabling the earth to naturally infiltrate the water when and where it falls; as mother nature originally intended. More
Parjana Distribution was chosen as host site in the Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) Professional Fellow Program through the US Department of State and Global Ties Detroit. The purpose of this program is to build partnership contacts for expansion in the Latin America/Caribbean markets.
Parjana Distribution will be hosting Mr. Carlos Casiano Inga, an Environmental Engineer and entrepreneur from Peru over a four-week period. More
Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Perry Street Diversion Project beginning at 10 a.m., Tuesday, October 11th at Galloway Lake Park located at 1498 North Perry Street in Pontiac. Attendees will include Water Resources Commissioner staff members, local elected officials, consulting engineers and construction contractors along with representatives from Pontiac and the 13 communities in the Clinton-Oakland Sewage Disposal System.
“My office is excited to have this project completed and functioning,” said Commissioner Nash. “This system not only helps relieve capacity issues for our Clinton-Oakland communities, it also allows us to fully utilize the Pontiac Wastewater Treatment Plant, saves the communities money, and increases flow into the Clinton River. This is a triple win for these systems, all of the communities and the environment.”More